The Flow is a weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, and how best to use them.   It is intended for those with little knowledge of astrology. 

For newcomers, the idea is to consider celestial influences as part of a larger whole, or the Flow.  All too often, astrologers tend to write about astrological events as if each were an isolated specimen as if pulled out of the sky and analyzed by itself – and there is no dearth of astrological sites on the net that write that way.  Here, it is the movement and interactions that are important and form the basis of discussion.

If any of the material is unclear or unfamiliar to you, it is probably unfamiliar to others as well, please leave a comment and I will be glad to answer your questions. 

If you like what you see, please share it with friends!  If you would like to get email notifications for when The Flow! is updated, or have a private question please email me at  Thank you!

The Flow! is updated every Sunday.

Please note: all times are in the Pacific Timezone.

Synopsis for the week: Look Up, Love is in the Sky!

 If you look up, and your sky happens to be clear, at almost any time of night, you should be able to see a planet in the sky lined up with a famous star. No, not Brittany, a real star.

We don’t talk much about stars here at the Flow!, mostly because much of their meaning needs a massive update.  Why, you ask? Well, you’ll see. But they’re there, and especially when they line up with a planet they have something important to say.

We’ll be talking more about the origins of astrology, though, in some upcoming reports. I’ve been digging my nose in in some dusty cuneiform tablets from the dawn of recorded history, and after considerable sneezing, found some amazing stuff there.

One of the most striking, is the level and degree to which are lives have changed. No, I’m not particularly referring to iTunes, but in a sense it does reflect some of the more startling differences between us and our ancestors who lived around the time of the transition between Sumerian and Assyrian culture. While taxes, law, and the division of labor were just coming into vogue, we have no kings, no public humiliations, and precious little bartering.  More importantly, we have a degree of personal freedom and level of control over our lives that would be mind-bogglingly incomprehensible to our long-dead cousins, and if you turned on any electronic device, radio or other form of communication, they would probably hit it with the nearest tablet to exorcise it from the demons within.

Speaking of tablets…

We are an amazing species.

Anyway, back to our story.

Because the Assyrians were forced to wait 6,000 to get an iPad, much of their astrology was observational. Instead of sitting and counting their various phalanges, or nicking pieces of stone, they sat and watched the sky. And recorded what they saw, judged what they knew of the configuration and compared that judgment with current affairs. So in the spirit of the Assyrians and Sumerians, let’s take a look up and see what the sky has to offer. Besides, there are a variety of celestial pairs in the night sky these days, and it would a shame not to better appreciate them.

Certainly the most notable star in the night sky is Venus, goddess of light and love, as she slowly drifts in the West toward the horizon as night deepens. Particularly since she reaches her maximum brightness on Monday, April 30th, at 2:56pm. Look closely, and you’ll see that she is just a smidge away from a much dimmer star, β Tauri, otherwise known as El Nath.

I once had an interstellar empire centered on El Nath.  That is, at least I did until Regulus IV rebelled, but that was another life, and video game ago.

Located about 21º of Gemini, just a few degrees west of Venus, El Nath, from the Arabic Al Natih (back when all astronomical knowledge was conducted in Arabic) is known as the “Butting One,” suitable for a star in the horns of Taurus, the Bull. When aligned with Venus, the star makes one eminently popular. So popular, in fact, one can gain enemies because of it. However, try as they may, no harm can befall one so blessed with this combination as no harm can come to them by false writings, gossips, or slanders.

Admire Venus while you can, too, as she has but another couple of weeks to go before she stops dead in her tracks and turn Retrograde. She will then slowly sink in the western sky at sunset, until she is absorbed by the Sun and spirited out the other side as a morning star to herald and bless the dawn. Her current position is marked with the arrow in the map below.

The next heavenly pair is bound together eternally, Castor and Pollux, the famous eponymous twins of Gemini. At the moment, the pair can be found in the sky a bit more toward the center of the sky from Venus. Castor, the mortal twin, was known as the Horse-master. Pollux, the immortal twin, was known as the Fighter. Pollux is the brighter of the two, though that may not always have been the case. They are circled on the map above to help you find them.

Castor, α Geminorum found at 19º Cancer, is said to be a portent of violence and mischief, giving a sudden rise of honors and riches followed by a fall. It also bestowed a keen intellect, disappointments (obviously), turbulence, and imprisonment.

Pollux, β Geminorum at 22º Cancer, doesn’t escape the turbulence, but at least manages a somewhat more enjoyable existence while making everyone else’s life miserable. The star gives a love of sports, bravery, a subtle spirit, and psychic ability. Natives were said to be audacious, crafty, cruel, and rash.

No planets happen to be nearby now, but there’s generally a parade of them as the Sun, Mercury, and Venus promenade across them in the second week of July.

Heading eastward and above in the sky, especially around 9pm are Mars and Regulus, α Leonis.

Mars, planet of action, activity, exertion, energy, aggression, defense, and war, is still coming out his Retrograde delirium, meandering through the early degrees of Virgo. However, he is very close to noblest star of them all, Regulus. The star was Sharru, king, in Babylonia; Magha, mighty, in Sogdiana; Magh, great, in India; Miyan, center, in Persia; and Amil-gal-ur, king of the celestial sphere, in Assyria.

Known as the star of kings, Regulus sits at the heart of Leo, and has a rather important place historically. Almost all of the ancient zodiacs that survive show Taurus as the first constellation. The sky was said to be divided into four quadrants, each with a star that ruled over them. Aldebaran of Taurus ruled the spring quadrant, Regulus of Leo the summer, Antares of Scorpio the autumn, and Fomalhaut of Pisces the winter.

Combined with Mars, Regulus gives fame, high honors, and public gain. It also makes one strong of character, high spirited, and independent. Natives may be subject to sudden death (presumably, this is not in reference to overtime), or accidental death if one throws caution and other assorted traffic signs to the wind.

And finally, we have Saturn and Spica.

Spica, α Virginis, is the primary star of Virgo, and is known as the “Sheaf of Wheat” (not to be confused with Cream of Wheat) in the Virgin’s left hand. The star has one of the better sets of meaning, giving great honors, good judgment, unexpected honors, riches, and sociability.

There is no information about Spica combined with Saturn, because EVERYTHING combined with Saturn has the same meaning – you are going to die.

And of course, we know that to be perfectly, ultimately, true.

So, as you can see from some of the examples above, much of the astrology with regard to the “fixed” stars is rather gloomy and dire. Even when it is otherwise good. Out of the myriads and myriads of stars and combinations there are a mere handful that are pleasant.

Which leads us to the most important take-away from a comparison of our lives today and those of the ancients — Life then was, like they said, really really nasty, brutish, and short. No matter how much we may complain, they had it worse. much worse.


To the Daily Details!

Sunday, April 29th

Sun trine Pluto at 2:34am

Sun square Moon at 2:57am at 10º Leo

Many people are celebrating the pagan sabat Beltane this week, so Merry Beltane to one and all! (Did you know that sabat is a Semitic/Assyrian word with meanings associated with the words “seven” and “holy?”)

We start the week with a tremendous opportunity to heal ourselves and feel better about our lives. There are complexes buried deep within our souls that have dwelt unbidden because of miscommunication and misunderstanding and we have a good chance of liberating ourselves from its influence. As you wake today, set aside some time to ponder things and if you give yourself just a smidgen of psychological wiggle room, you just might be able to root out a psychic McNasty. It is certainly worth giving it a go over morning tea or coffee.

Later in the day, our attention may turn to our relationships. This is likely to be a week with a great deal of focus on our relationships, and today is no exception. If you find yourself on the defensive today or tomorrow, you may want to reconsider your position and give in just an inch. While you are most likely in the right, this is a battle you could possibly lose by winning. Don’t push, and no shoving. Just gently state the situation from your perspective and give the other person a chance to readjust their position to this news before pressing your case further. I bet you won’t have to press much.

Another effect of all these configurations this week is that energies are apt to be running high all week. Sometimes that results in added pressure both at work and at home. Added pressure often leads to an added need to let off steam. Just think of a pressure cooker. But like a pressure cooker, if it has been sitting on a burner building up pressure and you suddenly open the handle, you’re going to be scraping up the meal from your walls and floor. So let your own steam out slowly and gently. You don’t want to be picking up your brain from the floor, or it’ll be bloody messy.

Monday, April 30th

Venus semi-sextile Jupiter at 1:54pm

Venus reaches maximum brightness at 2:56pm

The day starts off rather jolly for a Monday, although in the early morning hours expect some speed-bumps in the Flow of things. There are tasks ahead, and we’re more invested in getting involved with them and seeing them through to completion than we are concerned with how much of our time or our selves we will need to devote to them to do so. This is NOT the road to success. Your personal resources are not infinite, so be careful in committing to projects and things that may take up more of your time than you can safely handle.

The Moon enters Virgo at 4:02pm. Generally, the Moon entering Virgo is an indication of better mental skills, but not until later today. There are some influences afoot that bedevil our thinking, so put off making any important decisions until you wake tomorrow. This Virgo Moon is apt to bring out some of the lower-end attributes of both the Moon and Virgo meaning that we’re likely to be more sensitive, more cranky, more moody and more critical than usual. Until the Moon enters Libra Wednesday evening, be prepared – it ISN’T about you, and it ISN’T personal. Just stick to objectivity, reason, and logic, and you’ll be fine.

Tuesday, May 1st

Mercury octile Neptune at 8:37am

Sun trine Moon at 12:34pm

Happy May Day!

Don’t be surprised if the refrain of the day is “I don’t wanna.” It may almost feel like somebody spiked the water with stupid juice for much of the day too, so not only are people less willing to play nicely, but they’re not particularly brilliant about it either. That’s not a good combination, so navigate your day accordingly. Olive branches may be in short supply, so if you are offered any today, consider yourself fortunate.

Many things are just beginning, or just beginning to take form today and beginnings can be perilous times. Like a primordial creature creeping out of the ooze, or a baby’s head crowning at birth, the appearance of things now is less important than the fact that they be embraced by all involved, and that people are willing to work together to get things started. This is a good time to look to others for support, as better you are able to build a network of support, the more likely successful your situation will be.

In the evening, we may be particularly susceptible to emotional outbursts, so you may want to keep the box of Kleenex close at hand. It’s more about letting off steam than any hard feelings, but sometimes that can be hard to keep in mind during the heat of the moment. Give yourself lots of emotional breathing room tonight, and avoid touchy subjects with loved ones.

Wednesday, May 2nd

Jupiter septile Saturn at 11:15am

Sun tri-octile Moon at 3:37pm at 28º Virgo

As the Moon heads toward Libra, which it will enter at 7:03pm, our ability to shape our circumstances to better suit our desires grows stronger.  Some obstacles may give way, some new opportunities may come our way, some new connection may help grease our wheels, and/or some new ideas may help smooth the path toward achieving our goals more readily and with less effort. There is potent magick at work here, be sure to take advantage of it!

The time of action has come. There is no longer any valid reason to hold back, there’s no reason to go over plans one more time, and there is not going to be a better time than now. The moment is now. It is time to act.

Once the Moon enters Libra, our emotional bodies become calmer, our feathers smooth out, and our moods turn more harmonic. This more even emotional keel will also help us move forward. If there are little nagging issues at the back of your mind, have them nag somewhere else.\

Thursday, May 3rd

Mercury tri-octile Mars at 7:54am

Mercury semi-sextile Jupiter at 7:54am

Mercury sextile Venus at 8:01pm

The week’s progress continues today. You know your steps, climb them. While there’s bound to be static in the air, it is just that, static. If you turn up the volume, it will drown out the music. Ignore it, and you make the best of a good situation.

In the morning hours look to your fellows, your fellow friends, you fellow workers, and your fellow family members for assistance and clues to where you should be devoting your energies. If there isn’t anyone in whom you feel you can confide, listen to some music, or surf the web. Your inner self will cling to what is important, and that should give you guidance.

The afternoon is really potentially productive for all kinds of work. Putting your best foot forward after 1pm should give you lots of good footsteps to follow.

Take extra care on the drive home, so that you’re not the victim of an unexpected move. There’s no need to rush, what awaits you can wait. There should be plenty of soothing energies and smiling faces in the evening hours. Any meetings or events scheduled for this evening should go well. People are very much in a mood to get along, so don’t spoil the fun by rushing around like a maniac.

Friday, May 4th

Sun quintile Neptune at 4:43pm

We now seem to have the ability to better attract what we want, and filter out the chaff than usual. If you’re looking to buy something, make a commitment, or find someone special, today is a good day to go hunting. Your arrows should be able to hit the mark without much fuss. Your heart should not be much of a lonely hunter today.

If you have been good, and if you have been following things along this week, today could mark the achievement of something significant. Of particular likelihood is the ability to be in better control of a situation that has been dogging you for a while. You have been on a short leash lately, and this should give you some slack. Just be sure that if this is the case, and you feel a sense of relief, to give yourself a doggie biscuit or two. You deserve it!

The Moon enters Scorpio at 4:43pm. For the rest of the day, this may help you better understand the tectonic shifts that have been going on in your life.

Saturday, May 5th

Mercury opposes Saturn at 6:07pm

Full Moon at 8:35pm at 17º Taurus/Scorpio

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

My goodness, there are a bevy of holidays this week, I hope they are all enjoyable ones for you.

There are apt to be significant changes that have occurred this week. It may feel as if the psychic energies have been put in a blender, and today is the result. Don’t be surprised if people seem to be at cross-purposes from what you might expect. Above all, don’t take it personally, unless you want to preserve and enshrine the negativity. Just take care of your self and see to your own happiness without needing to rely on others.

Ultimately, things will settle down as next week begins. Next week should see the changes that occurred this week develop roots and begin to sink in and set in. Tend and nurture those that are good, and there is still time to uproot those that aren’t. In either case, get ready to sharpen your tools and strengthen the bonds with your allies. You’ll be glad you did!

Wishing you all a wonderful week!