Posts tagged ‘saturn direct’

The Flow! Week of June 12 – 19, 2011

The Flow is a weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, and how best to use them.   It is intended for those with little knowledge of astrology. 

For newcomers, the idea is to consider celestial influences as part of a larger whole, or the Flow.  All too often, astrologers tend to write about astrological events as if each were an isolated specimen as if pulled out of the sky and analyzed by itself – and there is no dearth of astrological sites on the net that write that way.  Here, it is the movement and interactions that are important and form the basis of discussion.

If any of the material is unclear or unfamiliar to you, it is probably unfamiliar to others as well, please leave a comment and I will be glad to answer your questions. 

If you like what you see, please share it with friends!  If you would like to get email notifications for when The Flow! is updated, or have a private question please email me at  Thank you!

The Flow! is updated every Sunday.

Please note: all times are in the Pacific Timezone.

This week’s synopsis: The Great Adriftment


Significant events of the week:

Sunday, June 12th          –  Sun conjunct Mercury at 4:45pm

                                      –  Venus sextiles Uranus at 7:36pm

                                      –  Saturn turns Stationary Direct at 8:52pm

Wednesday, June 15th   –  Total Lunar Eclipse at 1:14pm

Thursday, June 16th       –  Mercury enters Cancer at 12:09pm

                                      –  Mercury trines Neptune at 9:53pm

Friday, June 17th           –  Mercury sextiles Jupiter at 5:35pm

                                      –  Venus trine Saturn at 9:32pm

Saturday, June 18th       –  Mercury square Uranus at 1:11pm

I have been sitting here avoiding writing this article for hours, staring at various charts, staring at various maps, both trying to figure out what’s going on and avoiding what was staring at me right in the face.

We are in the midst of an immensely significant series of eclipse events, and they are having a huge impact throughout the world, on every level from the personal to the political. This series began back in December, 2010 when we had a Total Lunar Eclipse on December 21st, which was the same day as the Winter Solstice — the first time that has happened since 1638, and only the second time in the Common Era.

The momentum continued with an Annular Eclipse (a ring of the sun still shines through) in January 2011, that if you watch the animation of the path below runs right over Northern Africa and the Arab world.

On June 1st of this month, we had a Partial Solar Eclipse and if you look at its path, it runs right over the Arctic Circle and North Pole. But then what is particularly interesting is that the next eclipse, on July 1st comes very close to the South Pole, and the last eclipse of this year, on November 25th (Thanksgiving Day, no less) it completes this set of eclipses and covers the South Pole.

And then we have a Lunar Eclipse this Wednesday that adds a punctuation mark to the two Solar Eclipses that occur on June 1st and July 1st.

Very interesting, yet there’s more!

The poles of the earth are not just the points around which the earth rotates, but they serve as the conduit of the magnetic currents that surround our planet in the form of the Van Allen belts, an image of which is below. And pay close attention to the actual flow of the magnetic energy; it flows up from the South Pole to the North Pole coiling around the Earth like a doughnut.

We don’t need to go very far afield to understand the meaning of a pole being eclipsed. A pole is a frame of reference, a point around which everything else revolves. Remove it, hinder it, or shift it and our very frame of reference is altered. Hence the “Great Adriftment.”

It is no secret that things feel weird and are in a state of unwieldy flux.

A strange feeling of upheaval permeates the air and people’s actions seem to make little sense. I mentioned before in the May 29th edition that we needed to be on our toes mentally, try to understand the motives of others, and be careful of what we take seriously. That will continue at least until the Lunar Eclipse this week and probably through until the July 1st Eclipse as well.

Once the Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday passes, we should feel a bit of the mental uncertainty begin to fade. Our positions should become clearer, and we should have a better idea of where we stand. From that point, until the July 1st Eclipse, we need to be formulating plans or making adjustments to previously made ones to take into account the new terrain.

From July 1st to November 25th, we will be enacting these plans and putting them into place. Once that Eclipse passes, things should return to normal. The normal then may be different from the normal now, and how much better that new normal will be will be a product of how well you follow the flow of these energies as they transpire.

The key right now is to remain nimble and flexible until Wednesday. From Wednesday to July 1st, take stock of your situation and make plans appropriately. And then from July 1st to November 25th, enact them.

And stay tuned to future editions of the Flow to better understand how these energies are functioning!


To the Daily Details!


Sunday, June 12th

Sun conjunct Mercury at 4:45pm

Venus sextiles Uranus at 7:36pm

Saturn turns Stationary Direct at 8:52pm

The Moon is in Scorpio all day painting the day in deeply saturated bold emotional hues. There will be few pastels to be found in today’s personal landscape. Whatever feeling you have will be deeper, weightier, and more profound. With the Sun conjunct Mercury, we’re more in touch with our thoughts, so we are slightly better able to understand what’s going on around us. If you’ve been subject to some of the changes and upheaval that’s been running amok lately, this afternoon may be helpful achieving emotional balance and equilibrium. The evening sparkles with events that can tickle the fancy, so if you have the chance, make sure tonight to leave time for doing something fun. It should have the ability to miraculously recharge your emotional batteries. Finally, this evening Saturn turns Direct. Since January 13th, we’ve been plagued with feelings of doubt, inadequacy, and lack. We get back on track now with Saturn Direct. Be patient, as Saturn doesn’t begin to pick up speed for another few weeks. Also, try to muzzle your inner critic, ranting is rarely remedying.


Monday, June 13th

No major aspects

The Moon leaves hefty Scorpio and into more lighthearted Sagittarius at 7:38pm, so much of the day is a continuation of yesterday. There may be some speed-bumps in your attempts to move projects forward in the late morning hours, and the energies aren’t helpful for resolving them until mid-day tomorrow. It may be best to just let them wait, as you may have an insight or idea occur that will help overnight tonight. The main thing today is to try and keep your emotional fuses on slow burn. It may be tempting to just blow your top and speak your mind, but blasting your brains all over the walls is going to create a mess you might find difficult to clean up. Take it easy, take it slow, and take lots and lots of deep breaths!


Tuesday, June 14th

No major aspects

Happy Flag Day!

If you’re a flag, get out there and wave!

With the Moon in Sagittarius all day, we’re a bit more optimistic than before, but also more restless, curious, and out to seek adventure. Be careful of sniffing around booby-traps, because this is no time to go losing one of your nine lives. I suspect there will be lots of boobies flailing in traps as we approach the eclipse. Gossip at your own risk. If ever there was a time to put a lid on Curious Cat Syndrome, it is until after the eclipse tomorrow.  Everyone is bound to feel very emotional and very volatile, so please also try not to let others push your buttons, and resist the temptation to push any of theirs!


Wednesday, June 15th

Lunar Eclipse at 1:14pm at 25º Sagittarius

See below for a map of this Eclipse’s visibility, it is visible virtually everywhere except North America.  Today’s Eclipse should calm things down just a bit, as it helps put things to rights that have been thrown a-kilter recently. Justice, integrity, and rectification are the order of the day, so if you have anything to feel guilty about stay out of the way, keep a low profile and you’ll avoid being prey.

The Moon enters Capricorn at 10:59pm, and it’s time to return to reality. Our moods turn more serious and somber, and practical material concerns fill our attention. Now that Saturn is Direct, and the Lunar Eclipse has passed (though just barely), you may begin to get a sense of what it is you need to do to dig yourself out of any hole you find yourself in. Hopefully, it is not a very deep one, and you can quickly make amends. On the other hand, if you are the one receiving justice for a wrong done to you, you may begin thinking of what the recent events may mean, and how you can best capitalize on them.


Thursday, June 16th

Mercury enters Cancer at 12:09pm

Mercury trines Neptune at 9:53pm

Mercury will be in Cancer until July 1st, so it is in Cancer for a very brief time (that’s why he’s known for being so speedy!) and we all become just a bit more emotional in our thinking. While Mercury is in Cancer, notice how your sense perceptions become a bit more acute and how you feel them more intensely. Pleasant sights, sounds, and tastes become that much more enjoyable, and unpleasant ones become downright abhorrent. Also with Mercury in Cancer, we are better able to parse our feelings, and understand how and why we feel the way we do about things. This can be particularly helpful for those of you trying to find your way in more challenging relationships.

With Neptune still at the very beginning of Pisces, it’s more or less the Welcome Wagon for planets entering new signs, and it harmonizes with Mercury singing and dancing like Gene Kelly later this evening, providing us with insight, amusement, tolerance and compassion. If there’s an issue or troublesome problem you’ve been trying to get your head around, a long luxurious bath may be just what you need to better understand it or put it in proper perspective.


Friday, June 17th

Mercury sextiles Jupiter at 5:35pm

Venus trine Saturn at 9:32pm

The Moon remains in Capricorn all day. Both major aspects today are helpful, but in different ways that may boost each other’s chances of success. The Mercury Jupiter sextile is excellent for business interests of all kinds. Scheduling meetings, signing contracts, sending out résumés, and/or networking of any kind should help open the door to opportunities. Even if nothing happens today, it will work out that way. The Venus trine Saturn aspect is very good for many relationships. It helps cement and stabilize those that have been a little tipsy lately, it makes us be more responsible and stable with our loved ones, and it adds a bit of compassion and understanding to those who have recently tended to be harsh and authoritarian. They help each other in that being more responsible in our relations with others often makes them more willing to help us, and by meeting with others we better understand the variety of human interactions can take providing us with new techniques to help us in our relationships.


Saturday, June 18th

Mercury square Uranus at 1:11pm

The Moon enters Aquarius at 4:47am, giving us a definitely break from some of the emotional heaviness and shenanigans we’ve been experiencing lately. We feel more at liberty to express ourselves freely, and to have more emotional breathing room when the Moon is here. This weekend has all the makings of being much better for being able to get out from under some of the restrictions we’ve had, and to go out and enjoy ourselves. With the Mercury Uranus square this afternoon, however, just be sure that your plans are flexible! Changing circumstances, unexpected events, and people revising their decisions at the last moment all have the potential of altering your planned schedule. In the evening hours, make sure you set aside some personal time for relaxation and enjoyment; it will help you be ready and well rested for next week’s events!

Wishing you all a wonderful week!


The Flow! Week of May 30 – June 6, 2010

The Flow is a weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, and how best to use them.   It is intended for those with little knowledge of astrology.  For newcomers, the idea is to start with the slowest moving forces, as they are the most foundational, and work up to the swiftest, as they are the most fleeting.  

If any of the material is unclear or unfamiliar to you, it is probably unfamiliar to others as well, please leave a comment and I will be glad to answer your questions. 

If you like what you see, please share it with friends!  If you would like to get email notifications for when The Flow! is updated, or have a private question please email me at  Thank you!

The Flow! is updated every Sunday.

Please note: all times are in the Pacific Timezone.

Synopsis: The Summer of Jupiter in Aries

While much of the US is celebrating the Memorial Day this weekend, the skies are doing anything but taking it easy.  In many ways, this coming week is a game-changing shift in the Flow, although so much is occurring within the depths that it may take some time before some changes reach the surface…and I’m not just talking about oil here!

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune all break some waves this week.  So if you pay attention and keep in mind what’s going on above, you can get your ticket punched for a rather wild ride.

To the details, faithful friends and fans of the Flow!

First up is Saturn.  It goes direct on Sunday, May 30th at 11:11am.  Like when planets go retrograde they tend to be most noticeable, similarly are they noticeable when they go direct.  Saturn is the planet of obligations, responsibilities, and discipline.  It approaches tasks brick by brick and nail by nail to build monuments that can stand the test of time.  It is serious, dependable, and patient, and approaches all it does with a steady, patient, but firm hand. 

Last night I watched The Bridge on the River Kwai for the 7 thousandth time, and Alec Guinnes’ character, Colonel Nicholson, deftly plays an avatar of Saturn.  He was stern, disciplined, methodical, bound by duty, honor, and an unyielding faith in his principles. He believed wholeheartedly in the benefits of work well done, and was determined to build a bridge that would last hundreds of years.

Except that the bridge he was building was an instrument of the enemy, and regardless of his ideas and principles, it had to be blown up.  Poor Alec!  I’m sure Obi Wan Kenobi would have known better.

Anyway, Saturn direct is a serious time, so I expect it to cast a bit of a pall on this weekend’s celebrations.  Yes, people are glad for an extra day or two off work, and have plenty of plans for the weekend, but mostly people just need time for rest and recuperation.  The general mood is somber, as if there were hidden fears and insecurities lying in every shadow.  Boo!

Since Saturn went retrograde on January 13th, many of us had to review and revise our obligations – obligations to our selves, and others.  Some of us had to review our work, our line of work, or the value of our very jobs.  Some of us had to review our relationships with others, a spouse, parent, child, or other loved one.  Some of us had to review our finances, our budgets, and our spending habits.  And some of us had to review the kind of person we have been, and made corrections and adjustments to our behavior.

Saturn is the gyroscope of our karma.  Those rings around it keep it on a steady, even keel, and trying to move them in their designated paths is like trying to move Mt. Everest with your bare hands.  Lotsa luck!  Resistance is futile.

So, to all of you, to all of us who met Saturn on Saturn’s terms and made adjustments and came out a bit cleaner, leaner, and healthier than we were before – congratulations!  As Saturn moves direct, the benefits for your work well done will become more apparent.  Enjoy them, they are well earned!

Next up is Neptune.

Neptune goes retrograde on Monday, May 31st at 11:50am.  If Saturn is the “reality principle”, Neptune is its complement.  Neptune is dreamy, mysterious, spiritual, lofty, idealistic and optimistic.  All of which have a tenuous hold on reality, or is it that they are reality and what we think of as real is the illusion? 

Neptune rules religion, drugs, and alcohol, but most of all, Neptune rules the sea.

All of the magnificence, power, and glory of the sea is Neptune’s realm.  From the calm shores and peaceful beaches to the outermost depths of the Marianas Trench, Neptune’s rule is absolute.  And lest you are fooled by Neptune’s often beneficence, there are few forces more destructive than a hurricane.

Neptune rules the seas because to the ancients the seas were their source of survival and sustenance.  They envisioned themselves surrounded by the seven seas, and their very lives depended on their relationship to it.  We ourselves came from the sea and are still walking vessels of waters.

Neptune, Neptune everywhere!  Neptune pervades us everywhere…in our bodies, and in the oceans of water and air in which we exist.  Do not be fooled!  Neptune’s ebbs and flows affect us deeply.

And none so profoundly as when it turns retrograde or direct.  Probably the easiest symbol of Neptune retrograde is an ostrich with its head in the ground.  Denial, denial everywhere, and not a drop to drink! 

Handling Neptune retrograde periods is not easy.  Many around you will want nothing more than to pretend what they don’t like or want to face doesn’t exist.  Important facts are overlooked.  Important things are forgotten.  Important conditions are left out of contracts.  Don’t sign one unless you have to until Neptune goes direct on November 7th

But most of all, Neptune is a call to heed our own inner ocean — to heed the ebb and flow of our own lives, and to understand our selves a little better.  Some of us may bathe on breathtakingly beautiful beaches, others may delve into the depths of their soul, and still others may find themselves on some rocky shores.  But we are all now ships on Neptune’s retrograde waters.  Bon voyage!

And yes, there’s more!

On Friday, just before it leaves Leo, Mars riles the waters and opposes Neptune at 10:54am.  You just heard a LOT about Neptune.  I like to think of Mars as the Energizer Bunny of the solar system, actively powering everything it touches.  But Mars can also be a bit of a pain in the arse.  It can be aggressive, pushy, loud, and confrontational.  Bullies, soldiers, and athletes all have little Marses sitting on their shoulders. 

As you might think after reading about Neptune, perhaps one of the last things it needs is Mars yanking its chain.  And while Mars may rile Neptune’s waters, Neptune in turn douses Mars’ fires.  Not a recipe for a stroll in the park.

So from late Wednesday when this aspect begins to take hold, through early Sunday at least, play it cool.  Don’t upset anyone’s boat.  Mind your mouth.  Pick your fights carefully.  And remember the relationship between discretion and valor.  In fact, let’s make that the mantra for the end of the week, “discretion is the better part of valor.”  Repeat.  Rinse.  Repeat often!

And don’t touch that dial, because there’s even more in store!

On Saturday, at 11:29pm Jupiter enters Aries, where it will remain until a little after Labor Day.  Oh boy…

Don’t get me wrong.  Jupiter in Aries is not a bad thing.  But is a very different thing than Jupiter in Pisces.

Jupiter and Pisces get along very well.  In fact, the ancients gave rulership of Pisces to the old chap.  Jupiter is expansive, optimistic, generous and idealist.  Pisces is open, nebulous, accepting, and couldn’t find a boundary if you gave one a map.  Pisces is also warm, comforting, easygoing and friendly.  Jupiter and Pisces go together like bread and cheese, birds and bees…well you get the picture. 

Aries is hot – fiery hot.  You might even say Aries gives Jupiter a hotfoot – which may not always be a bad thing, because like Pisces, Jupiter isn’t always the most motivated of planets.  So some of what happens when Jupiter enters Aries is that people begin to reengage in all kinds of projects that have been languishing around or percolating beneath the surface.

While on a personal level this can be a good thing, it’s on a mass-scale level that things can get a bit dicey.  Jupiter in Aries has a particular problem with the word “no” and when you get into the realm of politics and diplomacy this can be a bit of a problem.  Thus, Jupiter in Aries tends to give rise to militant social movements and organizations that often spark widespread conflict. 

One of the very good things that often come from Jupiter in Aries is that it usually offers an opportunity for leadership and the benefits to all of us that can come from exercizing it well, personally, socially, or globally.  For that reason, Jupiter in Aries often sees the end to limited wars.  I would not be surprised if both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars end by the time Jupiter leaves Aries this time next year on June 4, 2011.  However, saber rattling from North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela may ignite further conflict.

Economically, Jupiter in Aries is time that the markets usually trend up.  Particularly for those products and services that relate to defense contracting, weapons, surgery and medical devices, energy, and metals, particularly steel.

And finally the Ronco© steak knives of the week that Leos, Scorpios, Aquarians and Taureans have been waiting for!

Next Sunday, June 6th at 11:11pm (numerologists take note of all the 11’s going on this week!) Mars finally is done with Leo and moves on to Virgo.  From this Leo, it is a deep and emphatic “Hail and farewell!” to Mars.  He has been in Leo since October 16th, a very, very long stay for Mars, who usually remains in one sign about two months. 

During the time of Mars’ sojourn in Leo, he has caused Leos, Tauruses, Scorpios, and Aquarians quite a bit of drama, upending many an applecart so to speak, and has kept us busier than a hive of bees in a valley of clover. 

Now it is those signs turn to get a bit of a break from the action, and time for the Virgos, Geminis, Sagittarians and Pisceans to hop to beat of Mars’ drums.  Fortunately, for these folks, Mars will only stay until July 28th, and then be giving hotfeet to Libras, Capricorns, Arieses, and Cancer folks.

I think that’s enough for this week…have a great week!