Posts tagged ‘sun conjunct jupiter’

The Flow! Weeks of May 13 – 27, 2012

The Flow is a weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, how best to use them, and is offered for entertainment purposes.   It is intended for those with little knowledge of astrology.

For newcomers, the idea is to consider celestial influences as part of a larger whole, or the Flow.  All too often, astrologers tend to write about astrological events as if each were an isolated specimen as if pulled out of the sky and analyzed by itself – and there is no dearth of astrological sites on the net that write that way.  Here, it is the movement and interactions that are important and form the basis of discussion.

If any of the material is unclear or unfamiliar to you, it is probably unfamiliar to others as well, please leave a comment and I will be glad to answer your questions.  Please refer to the Terms of Service for acceptable use of this site.

If you like what you see, please share it with friends!  If you would like to get email notifications for when The Flow! is updated, or have a private question please email me at  Thank you!

The Flow! is updated every Sunday.

Please note: all times are in the Pacific Timezone.

Synopsis for the week: Annular Eclipse of the Heart

This is a special two-week edition of The Flow because of family, events, and other assorted obligations. All of which may turn out to be a fortunate circumstance, because smack dab in the middle of our reporting period, on May20th, we have an annular eclipse of the Sun and this give us time to study, anticipate, and prepare for it. The week of May 20 – 27th will be added shortly.

Eclipses occur because of a special relationship between the Sun (the yang force, our selves, our egos, or any person, place, or thing); the Moon (the yin force, our inner selves, our emotions, and sub-conscious); and the Earth (the material manifestation of any person, place, or thing).

When the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon in perfect alignment, we have a Lunar Eclipse, and when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, we have a Solar Eclipse. Because the Earth is so much larger than the Moon and casts a much larger shadow, when a Lunar Eclipse occurs, it is visible in the entire hemisphere of night. However, because the Moon is so much smaller, its shadow across the Earth is correspondingly smaller, and so the total effect of the eclipse is seen in a much narrower band of the Earth’s surface.

But because the orbit of the Moon isn’t really circular, sometimes during an eclipse, it is so far away that it can’t entirely cover the surface of the Sun, and we have what’s known as an Annular Eclipse, and a small ring of the Sun can still be seen around the dark of the Moon. That’s the kind of eclipse we’ll be having on the 20th. A Partial Eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth do not line up exactly, and each is only partially obscured as the other passes in front of it.

After recording hundreds and hundreds of these eclipses, the ancients knew that they occurred in cycles. They calculated them all and realized that they occur in roughly an 18 year cycle, which we use astrologically as the North and South node. In Vedic (Indian) astrology, they are known as Rahu and Ketu, the head and tail of the dragon because it was thought that the head of the dragon ate the Sun or Moon, and discharged it out the other end.

From an “astronomical” perspective, the cycle is called a “Saros” cycle, named after a Sumerian unit of measuring area, such as gardens and fields, SAR and appears to have had a value of 3600 (60 seconds X 60 minutes or 10 X 360, the number of degrees in the zodiac).

Although the cycle was known throughout history, the name may be a bit of a mistake. The word “Saros” was first used by Sir Edmund Halley (of comet fame and he who purportedly PWNed by Sir Isaac Newton for questioning the veracity of astrology) who mistook he term from a Byzantine manuscript. The name, however, stuck.

Regardless of what they are called, Saros cycles have a birth, peak, and death, and each are numbered. The eclipse on May 20th is known as the 128th Saros cycle, and it was born on August 29th, in the year 984, and will die a slow and hopefully peaceful death on November 1st, 2282. It peaked during the middle half of the 15th century (1417-1471), not a century particularly known for peace.

Astrologically, the cycle began at 11º Virgo, in the part of the zodiac symbolized by An “Ornamental Handkerchief” in the Sabian degree of “A Boy Molded in his Mother’s Aspiration for Him.” Ornamental handkerchiefs are often associated with nobility, or those with great wealth, and are used as both a fashion statement, and as a means of making a statement to one’s community. With the Sabian degree, we see the longing of the birth of something new taking shape according to the wishes and needs of the parent who gave birth.

Interestingly, during many of the occurrences of eclipses of this Saros cycle, have been around times in which people placed great faith in the ability of something new. 1777 was the second year of the American Revolution, and in 1796 Napoleon won his first significant victory. In 1850, the American government hoped the Compromise of 1850 would stave off civil war, and in 1868, the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution was passed guaranteeing African Americans full citizenship and equal protection to all persons due process of law. 1904 began a period of prosperity, as did 1922. In 1940 Winston Churchill became Prime Minister, and gave both his “I have nothing to offer by blood, toil, tears, and sweat” and “We shall never surrender” speeches. 1958 saw the beginnings of the space race, as 1976 saw the hope that the election of Jimmy Carter would put the legacy of Watergate behind us. The election of 1994 gave us the Contract with America, and 2012 is destined to be another highly critical election year. It already has been with elections in both Greece and France that have upset the current economic order.

The end of the cycle occurs in 11º Scorpio, in the part of the zodiac symbolized by “Five Children Playing in Mounds of Sand” in the Sabian degree of “A Dentist at Work.”

And when the cycle reached it’s peak, on June 7, 1453, the Sun and Moon where in the same place as the Sun on the day Magna Carta took effect, June 10, 1215, 25º Gemini.

We can see in the above list how both symbols have a role, as some of these events were caused by people meddling in affairs that were best left alone, and that sometimes the medicine to correct the situation was not without some pain.

Let’s hope that the events of 2012 do not require much pain to correct, and the next eclipse in November offers some hope that that may be the case. Keep in mind that this Saros cycle is only one of many, and the combination of them all in concert produces the events we experience.

This eclipse will start to be visible at sunrise in south east China and Taiwan, move to the southern coast of Japan, travel just under the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, reach the Continental US on the California side of the Oregon border, and arc through Northern California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and peter out in Texas at sunset. At its peak, it will last for 5 minutes and 46.3 seconds, for those of you with a stopwatch.

Please note: times for this diagram are UT, PDT is -7h, EDT -4h, etc.

To the Daily Details!

Sunday, May 13th

Sun conjunct Jupiter at 6:23am

Mercury trine Mars at 1:54pm

Mercury octile Venus at 8:56pm

Happy Mother’s Day!

The week gets off to a bit of a dreamy start with the Moon entering psychic Pisces at 4:42am. There are lots of things up in the air, and where they fall, we really don’t care. We just sort of assume everything will work out for the best, and with that kind of attitude, they probably will. At daybreak, we are feeling as if we should be moving forward in some direction, toward progress achieving one goal or two, and if you’ve been doing your homework, you most likely have good cause to pat yourself on the back for work well done. Congrats! As the afternoon gets underway we’re zipping to and fro and more or less we’re able to fulfill our plans for the day with little fuss. Expect people to be loquacious and garrulous, and use big words when less fancy ones would do. Try to wrap up important affairs and communications by sunset, as the Mercury (our intellect) and Venus (our emotions) spar with each other, leading to hurt feelings and misconstrued statements, though all feathers are smoothed by the end of the day. As we wrap up the day, we’re well aware of our obligations and plans for the rest of the week – it’s apt to be a very busy one!

Monday, May 14th

Mercury trine Pluto at 1:09am

Sun semi-sextile Venus at 1:54am

Sun quincunx Saturn at 5:55am

Sun tri-octile Pluto at 9:46am

Most of the activity today is in the morning. Asians and Europeans are well-advised to attend to business and wrap up any loose ends to projects that have been hanging over your head. Any kind of research, in depth investigations and skullduggery are favored in the morning hours. Americans, both North and South, may be chafing at their responsibilities as the week begins and find it difficult not to feel that something is out of order. The best course of action is to just plow through your schedule or agenda, and pick up the pieces later. No matter where you live, if you have questions about the nature of a plan or project, use whatever resources available to check things out. You’ll be happy  you did, even if it means putting yourself on the spot, or asking a relative stranger for help.

Tuesday, May 15th

Venus turns Stationary Retrograde at 4:59am

Mars octiles Saturn at 2:45pm

Venus turns retrograde today, and each day will slowly sink further toward the western horizon at sunset. It always saddens me a bit at this point in Venus’ cycle, as I very much enjoy her presence in the evening sky. I will miss her, as she races headlong into the heart of the Sun on June 5th. Literally, because this year Venus will actually transit the face of the Sun as she conjoins the big guy at their conjunction. That makes this a particularly useful time for reconciling our relationships, letting go of broken dreams, charting a new emotional course for ourselves, and reharmonizing our emotional bodies. She will re-emerge on the dawn side of the Sun about mid-June, and will remain a morning star until early Spring 2013, when she will re-emerge and delight our evening skies once more.

Otherwise, the day is apt to be a big raspberry or Bronx cheer, depending on your age and geographical location. The Moon enters Aries at 8:23am and Mars and Saturn tussle it up mid-afternoon. Their conflict usually is a recipe for fits and starts, stops and goes, and driving with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. It’s wrap-up time for the Mars-Saturn cycle as Mars, Energizer Bunny of the zodiac, is making its last major aspect to Saturn, our karma and responsibilities, as they head toward their conjunction in mid-August. This again, makes it an excellent time for wrapping up any work you have been doing to heal old wounds, move plans forward, and taking care of important priorities. The key here is to remain true to your convictions that match your notions of the kind of person you want to be. It’s all about managing your life, and making the important decisions that reflect your ideal sense of self. Who do you imagine yourself to be? That should be your guiding light this week as you attend to business.

Wednesday, May 16th

Mars trine Pluto at 9:10am

Sun octile Moon at 11:32am at 11º Aries

Venus sextiles Jupiter at 1:24pm

Jupiter quincunx Saturn at 3:42pm

Today is one busy astrological day, and for the most part the aspects are helpful and supportive. Mars trine Pluto is an excellent aspect for taking care of important business, and helps invigorate and energize the most lethargic of sloths. Snooze today, and you not only may lose but find a noose tightening around your neck. Today belongs to those willing to take the initiative, be nimble, be quick, and leap out of bed when that alarm goes off. Yeah, I know. Somebody tied kryptonite around your self-confidence, but be that as it may, the more you are willing to be out there and do what needs to be done, but much much better off you will be.

Jupiter (good fortune) quincunxes (razzes) Saturn (bad fortune) at 3:42pm. It is the last speed-bump toward revitalized economies. Good news is apt to be mixed with bad, and silver linings stroll across the sky with every cloud. Profitable readers will get out your metal detectors, and go hunting.

Thursday, May 17th

Mercury quintiles Neptune at 12:27am

Jupiter tri-octiles Pluto at 4:22pm

Mercury and Neptune together spell imagination, add the quintile aspect (consciousness), and you get sentences that stream with creativity. Particularly Eastern and South Asians will be well advised to let their intuitions guide them through the early part of the day as insights could lead to important opportunities.

Jupiter and Pluto often combine to create good fortune, even when they’re in unfavorable aspects like today’s tri-octile (otherwise known as sesquiquadrate, Latin for square [90º] plus half a square [45º] = 135º). In this configuration, they are attuned to helping those with greatest faith. Having faith in your convictions and following through with them could help you overcome some challenging obstacles. Put your sights on what you want, and you may find those mountains in front of you are really gently rolling hills.

Friday, May 18th

No major aspects

The Moon enters Taurus at 3:03am. Generally, when the Moon enters Taurus we calm down, take it easy and let things progress organically and today should be no exception. We find that our plans are able to go according to schedule, we are able to communicate what we think and feel well, and are able to co-ordinate our busy lives with little hassle. The evening is made for romance, so if you have a significant other or want one, you may want to take advantage of that fact. The energy for hearts and flowers peaks at 11pm, and slowly dissipates into the morning hours.

Changes may occur that offer a fresh start today, you can best take advantage of them by looking for those opportunities that look to give you the greatest peace of mind.  For the most part, they’ll come looking for you, so there’s no need to go chasing after will-o-the-wisps. Being watchful of new connections that come from recent changes could lead to developments that help you progress toward achieving some important goals.

Saturday, May 19th

No major aspects

People are apt to be a bit emotional today, so be careful where you walk so that you don’t set off any psychological land-mines. There’s a sense of changes in the air and for the most part, they waft sweetly. Accept any overtures gracefully, even if it means burying an old hatchet or two.  Early morning plans are likely to go awry, so give yourself lots of wiggle room if there’s some place you need to be. With our emotions heightened, the day may also feel like a bit of a roller-coaster. Try to anchor yourself by grounding your thoughts with useful affirmations so that you don’t get swept away by them. Be careful of any new commitments you make this weekend, as your heart may be willing to take leaps the rest of you are not sure about following. It stinks when your feet are hanging over a cliff and you are holding on for dear life.

Sunday, May 20th

Sun biquintile Saturn at 2:55am

Sun enters Gemini at 8:15am

Mercury octile Uranus at 3:05pm

Solar Eclipse – New Moon at 4:47pm

Happy Birthday Gemini!

Today is likely to be a bit difficult. We may be feeling a bit out of sorts, and they is likely due to the eclipse.  As much as possible, try to be patient, considerate of others, and careful in what you say and do. Count to 10 a lot. Many of us are likely to be on edge, and that always makes relationships difficult. If you do find yourself in an awkward position, gracefully acknowledge any blunders or faux pas and you may find others more forgiving than you’d expect. Mid-afternoon, after the Moon also enters Gemini, is when things get diciest, as miscommunication and schedule rewrites are quite likely. Being as flexible as possible may be your most rewarding course of action. Tomorrow is likely to be more of the same, as the turbulence in the Flow doesn’t ease up until Tuesday. Meditation, eating well, and getting plenty of sleep may help you handle any difficulties with greater ease. Above all, try to approach the day’s events with good humor, and other’s should respond in kind, and kindly!


Monday, May 21s

Mercury semi-sextile Venus at 1:24am

Mercury quincunx Saturn at 5:51am

Mercury tri-octile Pluto at 10:46am

Mercury conjunct Jupiter at 10:58pm

As you can see, Mercury is a busy bugger today, stirring up mischief, mayhem, and trouble for most of the day until Jupiter greases his skivvies in late evening. Like most of the weekend, the best plans are no plans, because everything is likely to change on a moment’s notice. It may feel like a giant jigsaw puzzle in which none of the pieces seem to fit, so you try rearranging things until they do. Good luck trying to hold a meeting or get anything accomplished today!

Amongst all this Mercury mishegas, the important thing to keep in mind is endurance. They who persevere will get the goodies. The day’s momentary bad feelings will pass like a bad dream, and tomorrow things should appear brighter.


Tuesday, May 22nd

No major aspects

Everything seems to calm down today after the hustle and bustle of the past few days. It is almost as if a magic wand is waved, and things return back to normal after a period of seeming craziness. Today should be a good day for realigning your bearings, catching your breath, and getting back up to speed. People are more relaxed, it seems easier to get things done, and there’s a more cooperative air around everyone.

Be careful today of being overly ambitious. Yes, we all have our mountains to climb, and plans to help us get ahead, but today it is all too easy to fall victim to all that. Today, it is best to be the tortoise, and not the hare, because there are speed traps out there for pushy speedy critters. There’s also a part of this celestial configuration that makes it likely that those in charge may say or do some questionable things. In whatever affairs you may be at the helm today, be sure you steer by the rules, and don’t swerve too far right or left. There could be dangerous shoals that don’t show on any map or chart.


Wednesday, May 23rd

Sun square Neptune at 1:55pm

Sun biquintile Pluto at 2:02pm

Mercury biquintile Saturn at 11:36pm

You don’t need me to tell you these are perilous times. In many ways, we have been divided and conquered in a myriad of ways by those whose purposes are to distract us from their own ambitions. Each of us, in our own way, is a stalwart defender of truth and justice. Today may find some of us able to celebrate a significant victory, but one that may need to be frequently defended. Remember that others feel as justified as you in their own beliefs and opinions, and that the best way to conquer any remaining enemies is to avoid excessive chest thumping, embrace them, and show them how your victory is theirs also.

The Moon enters Cancer at 4:31am and that accentuates emotional sensitivity and reclusiveness, and our feelings take precedence over our rational thoughts. So when relating to others, understand that they are most likely as emotionally fragile as you, and need every bit of tender treatment you can muster. In the evening, there is likely to be an epidemic of Decision-Making Disorder (DMD), so do everyone a favor, be brave, and show the world there are still some people who can make up their mind.


Thursday, May 24th

Mercury enters Gemini at 4:12am

Sun octiles the Moon at 6:27pm at 20º Cancer

Today is Mercury Liberation Day once he enters Gemini at 4:12am. If you’ve been wondering why some people’s minds seem to have been stuck in sideways mode, let’s just say that Mercury finds Taurus a bit stifling. And all that heady earth mucks up those pretty winged feet. In Gemini, Mercury is free to flit wherever his fluttering fleet feet will fly. Of course, being the sign of the twins, he always seems to have multiple destinations in mind. Both Mercury and Gemini accentuate mental stimulation, communication and the media, so celebrate Mercury Liberation Day by excessively multi-tasking. Turn on a radio, crank up the iPod, play a video game, watch TV, talk on your iPhone while surfing the web with your iPad. You can do it, make Mercury proud!

In the afternoon, there may be an opportunity to resolve some long-standing conflict in your life. Gentle, persistent persuasion may be your best course for resolving any disputes. The evening is made for partying, as people are in an expansive, garrulous, optimistic mood. Party hearty, but be mindful of any responsibilities you may need to face tomorrow. You may want a clear head to face all the jumbled messages tomorrow is likely to offer.


Friday, May 25th

Mercury biquintile Pluto at 2:06pm

Mercury square Neptune at 2:37pm

Today is likely to be a mixed bag of tricks, like a bag of Every Flavor Beans. Some roses and peanut brittle, some boogers and bugs. Rather than getting worked up over it all, try to take it all in stride. It’s less about you than what the universe feels like throwing in your direction. You just happen to be in the way. Compliments, of course, are always graciously accepted!

The Moon enters Leo at 3:11pm, and our moods soar. A Leo Moon Weekend is likely to be a fun time, especially in the US where Memorial Day is a major holiday on Monday. Whatever your plans for the weekend are, are sure to take precedence over any work that needs to be finished.

Like I mentioned earlier in the week, today is not the best day to push ahead with plans, schemes, or other ambitions. Keep your cards close to your chest, and try not to signal your intentions too broadly. I may take until early June to get the green light and feel forward momentum again.


Saturday, May 26th

Sun sextile the Moon at 1:41am

The day should be mostly filled with finding ways of having fun, letting yourself go, and enjoying life. The energies are good for almost any activity, but particularly those that include others and having a good time. People are feeling quite full of themselves, so be wary of bumping in to any oversized egos. You can either have fun bringing along with you a Dominating Deflating Device, or avoid any egos that resemble the Goodyear blimp.

The very late hours of the day are very suitable for intimate bonding, so if you find yourself in close quarters with others you may find out some things you didn’t know before. People are quite willing to share, and more than one secret may pop out into the open. If you’d rather be on the receiving instead of the giving side of any revelations, it is advisable to be a good listener and let others do the talking. It is also advisable to be sure you use your best deodorant before stepping out tonight.

Wishing you all a wonderful two weeks!

The Flow! Week of April 3 – 10, 2011

The Flow is a weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, and how best to use them.   It is intended for those with little knowledge of astrology. 

For newcomers, the idea is to consider celestial influences as part of a larger whole, or the Flow.  All too often, astrologers tend to write about astrological events as if each were an isolated specimen as if pulled out of the sky and analyzed by itself – and there is no dearth of astrological sites on the net that write that way.  Here, it is the movement and interactions that are important and form the basis of discussion.

If any of the material is unclear or unfamiliar to you, it is probably unfamiliar to others as well, please leave a comment and I will be glad to answer your questions. 

If you like what you see, please share it with friends!  If you would like to get email notifications for when The Flow! is updated, or have a private question please email me at  Thank you!

The Flow! is updated every Sunday.

Please note: all times are in the Pacific Timezone.

This week’s synopsis:  Survival Manual for a Brave New World

We have a lot going on astrologically this week, so hold on to your hat, britches, or whatever article of attire you use to be patient, because we’re in for a fairly tough week This edition is loaded with helpful advice, and we all may need all the help we can get. This week’s edition is the equivalent of a Survival Manual for a Brave New World.

There are three significant events this week that mark the start of a whole new chapter in our collective history. In order of importance, they are: on Monday, Neptune dips its toes in the waters of Pisces until early August; from last Friday (April 1st) to May 10th we have a super conjunction of at least five planets in fiery Aries; and on Sunday we have a fateful New Moon that also occurs in Aries.

Neptune is the largest outermost planet of our solar system. Astronomers, upset that a planet could have the same name as a cartoon character devised an entirely new category for Pluto, so technically, astronomically, Neptune is also the outermost planet period. At least for now.

Named for the Roman god of the sea, Neptune is the ninth planet from the Sun, fourth largest planet and the third largest by mass. You could almost fit 15 Earth’s into its volume, give or take a New Guinea. Appropriate for a planet symbolizing the sea, it appears a deep azure blue from the methane in its atmosphere, is surrounded by a system of faint gossamer fairy rings, and is tilted on its axis like the Earth and Mars to produce seasons.  Dark cyclonic storms rage across its atmosphere, most notably in the dark spot in its southern hemisphere.

Neptune takes 164.79 years to circle the Sun, and next to Venus has the most circular orbit so it evenly spaces its time, about 13 years and 9 months, in each of the signs. By contrast Pluto, with the most elliptical orbit, spends about 11 years in Scorpio and 30 years in Taurus.

Neptune’s 13 moons are named after the Nereids and other aquatic dignitaries in keeping with its oceanic nature.  Its major moon, named Triton, was discovered only 17 days after the planet, but didn’t acquire its name until the 1880’s and the name wasn’t commonly accepted until the 1930’s.  It revolves around Neptune backwards across the sky indicating that it was perhaps a wandering object captured by Neptune’s gravity.

Neptune was the first planet to be discovered by deductive reasoning, by Johann Galle on September 23, 1846.  Astronomers had noticed irregularities in Uranus’ orbit and based on Newton’s Laws, a French scientist, Urbain Le Verrier calculated where it should be, and within one degree of where it actually was.  At the same time British astronomers were also working on its discovery, and the tale of who got the credit is filled with claims of deception based on nationalistic rivalry between France and Britain.  Eventually, in 1999 correspondence was found in Chile that weakened the British claims.  Cue in a refrain of La Marseillaise.

As the largest known object at the fringe of the solar system, Neptune exerts considerable influence on its outer regions and the Kuiper Belt, and might account for its long-distance dance with Pluto. A provocative story, but a story for another time.

Neptune’s Greek namesake, Poseidon, was also known as the “earth shaker.”  With a history well documented in ancient Greek Linear B hieroglyphic tablets, when ticked off Neptune would strike the ground with his trusty trident and create earthquakes, tsunamis, and stormy seas.  To this day Neptune is honored by sailors with an initiation whenever they first cross the equator by sea of dressing in drag. Cue in the overture to H.M.S. Pinafore. 

Astrologically, Neptune governs the oceanic realms of the internal spirit and indicates the pathway to the divine.  It is subtle, sensitive, psychic, mystical, intuitive, and deceptive.  It is also transcendent, creative, and visionary, ruling drugs and altered mental states. And it rules the kind of deductive reasoning, from the general to the specific, by which it was discovered.  Similarly, it can serve as the conduit between individual experience and the collective nature of our most deeply cherished beliefs, ideals, and realms beyond our own, bringing what is otherwise beyond our comprehension into our personal awareness.

Neptune offers a way in which we can dissolve the limitations of the physical body and delve into the depths of being.  Like interconnected waterways, this network of interconnected consciousness merges to form our collective reality, whether that be the society or culture in which we live, the material environment, or domains of the spirit.  But wherever Neptune is found, like the water it governs, it slowly erodes and dissolves what it encounters until its essential nature is revealed. 

Which may be a bit disconcerting when so many of the other planets are in dynamic, combustible, and aggressive Aries. People are just not in any mood to play nice or understand any part of the word “no.”

Furthermore, Neptune has a tendency to subvert the better qualities of the signs it inhabits, bringing to the surface urges that are otherwise repressed. With Neptune in Scorpio from 1957 to 1970 we had the drug culture, the generation gap. and “tuning in and dropping out.” When Neptune was in Sagittarius from 1970 to 1984, we had the rise of the Moral Majority, the Christian right, an energy “crisis,” and the death of the Great Society. It was in Capricorn from 1984 to 1998, signaling the corporatization of America in which “greed is good,” laws were changed to transfer wealth to the top, and the liberal reforms and idealism of FDR, JFK and LBJ were attacked if not uprooted entirely.

And now we have the subversion of democracy by corporate interests and the legal equivalency of corporations with people, science under attack, egalitarian moral relativism, and a culture immersed in social networks in which people “friend” people they will never meet.

So, what is to be expected of Neptune in Pisces?

Pisces is a water sign and has a reputation of being calm, tranquil, and peaceful. But have you ever dated a Piscean?

So much for that reputation!

Pisces is the last sign, and as a result holds many vestiges of all the other signs within it. They are like a great summation sign in the sky, which is why they can often act in contradictory ways, symbolized by the two fish headed in opposite directions. And often, much of that conflict occurs because they are giving birth to the reformation of a past or tradition that is in need of reform. Sometimes they fail, but even in failing they create the seed of the new era to come.

Also, as the last sign they govern the boundary between worlds. The very next degree after the last degree of Pisces is the first degree of the zodiac. That accounts for their spiritual connections since they embody within themselves the very essences the permeable membranes that separate one world from another.

Therefore, I expect that first and foremost, Neptune in Pisces will popularize all forms of psychic and spiritual communion. It will force us to examine what is meant by spirituality and how we pursue personal fulfillment.

It is also likely to further polarize our politics with emotional demagoguery, popular unrest, and charlatanism. Neptune in Pisces usually provides the process through which an old outworn tradition finally dies. Sometimes that death is violent and difficult, since Neptune in Pisces tends to amplify our attachment to our beliefs right or wrong, but the end result is always worth it.

During the last occurrence of Neptune in Pisces we saw both the lead up to the US Civil War and the popularity of medical quackery. It also gave birth to the spiritualist movement, hypnotism, Mesmerism and the transcendentalism movement. In the cycle before that, Newton published the Principia Mathematica, the Glorious Revolution occurred, Britain became a constitutional monarchy, and we suffered the burning times of the Salem witch trials.

Neptune will be in Pisces for now only until August 4th when it will slip back into Aquarius. It will return to Pisces on February 3, 2012 and remain there until 2015. We’ll be discussing much more about its sojourn in the sign of the fishes in the future editions of the Flow! so stay tuned for future details!

As for all those planets in Aries, we are likely to see an increase in assertiveness, aggressive behavior, disputes erupt into conflict, impatience, intolerance, and a nearly endless parade of power grabs. I would love to sit here and advise you to stay in bed, throw the covers over your head, and wait until May when the energy shifts to more temperate Taurus. But I can’t. In order to profit from the bountiful economic potential of Taurus, one must stake one’s territory and defend one’s claim under Aries.

It is going to be a tough slog, but is absolutely necessary. People, co-workers, even friends may try to muscle in on your turf and move your cheese. Move it? Hell, they’ll probably chomp it down with relish right in front of you. But this ain’t no picnic, this is war.

Yes, I may be painting too dire a picture, but better to be wary and on guard than tiptoe through the tulips into the jaws of a trap. Trust few and try to keep a step or two ahead of the opposition. It’s a little bit more than a month-long sprint, but when those steel jaws clamp shut, you will be no where near.

And trust me on this: the sign opposite to Aries is Libra. Saturn, Lord of Karma (our faithful trusty Karma Kop) is sitting right in the middle of Libra. As each of these planets don their marching boots and traipse through Aries, Saturn has them in his target sights and he will pick off more than a few scheming Machiavelli wannabes. Therefore, it’s recommended to be on your best behavior so that you don’t get caught in the shrapnel and become karmic kollateral.

Finally, before we get to the Daily Details, we have the New Moon in Aries on Sunday. It is in the Sabian Sign of an Indian Weaving a Blanket, indicating a fateful month ahead. Mythology is rife with allusions to weaving and fate, creation, and magick. We weave the warp and weft of our wants and needs and fashion our destiny to fulfill our desires. Weave passionately, and weave true. You don’t want to be caught wearing a threadbare fate with one more button than buttonholes.

Do you want it? Do you need it? Does it fulfill a part of your psychic gut that would otherwise cry out for sating? Then sate it. There is a reason why your soul desires it, though the reason may be opaque at the moment. The only admonition is for those who may be dancing to the tune of another, you may find yourself paying the piper with the sacrifice of your own happiness and the barrenness of denied fulfillment before long.

This is not the cheeriest of editions, but these are difficult and dangerous times, and I would be remiss if I didn’t warn you of what the planets portend.

This Sunday’s New Moon is the opening bell of this Brave New World, a world full of promise and potential for good or ill. The problem is that right now, so many planets are in Aries, and Aries is under great stress from both Saturn and Pluto in the antagonistic (to Aries) signs of Libra and Capricorn respectively. The stakes are high and it’s all about power. Will we be pawns of others’ interests or will we accept our destiny and fight back against those who wish to exploit and prey on us? The nature of this Brave New World hangs in the balance.

To the Daily Details!

Sunday, April 3rd

New Moon (Moon conjunct Sun) at 7:32am

Mars conjunct Uranus at 1:52pm

Sun opposed Saturn at 4:58pm

The Moon is in Aries, and this is apt to be a disruptive day. Take it slow, don’t rush, and you will hopefully avoid the pitfalls of this day’s energies. New Moons always put people a bit on edge as our emotional selves are transformed as the Moon hides behind the light of the Sun. In the time before each New Moon we are pensive, uncertain, and hopeful for the future. Tomorrow, as the New Moon emerges from behind the Sun and the new crescent hangs above the western sky at dusk we feel renewed, rejuvenated, and emotionally refreshed.

Mars is energy, and Uranus is unpredictable, so the combination of the two can lead to lots of unforeseen events today. Be cautious, give yourself plenty of time to get things done, and try to avoid accidents or getting caught up in any of the emotional frenzies zipping by. Expressions of anger, upsetment, or disappointment are likely to be more extreme than what the circumstances generating them might warrant. People are looking for just about any excuse to let loose, so try to be reasonable amidst any torrent of emotional fervor that comes your way, and at least you won’t make a bad situation worse.

Finally, the opposition between the Sun and Saturn is an additional reminder to watch your p’s and q’s. Inappropriate actions, unnecessary provocations, and behind the scenes scheming are all likely to be get their comeuppance sooner rather than later. Saturn is keeping a watchful eye on us today, and if he finds something out of line he’s likely to hand us a karma ticket. Don’t give him any reason to hand one to you!

Monday, April 4th

Neptune enters Pisces at 6:50am

The Moon enters Taurus at 4:46pm and not a moment too soon! Yesterday’s high-energy shenanigans are likely to leave us all needing a respite.  Until the Moon enters Taurus we’re likely to be impatient, irritable, and anxious so try and take the day’s activities with a grain of salt. Everyone is feeling a bit chafed under their skin, and few are functioning at their best so try to be sympathetic and understanding of others foibles today. In the evening, you might want to take a long languorous bath, make yourself a fine dinner, or watch a movie – anything to help soothe the spirit and any feathers that might have gotten ruffled over the weekend.

Tuesday, April 5th

No major aspects

The earlier part of the day is likely to be more productive than the end, so if you have things to do, it’s best to front-load the day. Today our thoughts turn to more pleasurable activities like music, art, and beauty, and are one of the better days this week for working on your finances. Don’t be surprised if you run into annoying obstacles this evening or feel annoyed over nothing. Aries’ color is red, and without a whole lot of supporting aspects that’s exactly what our lunar bull is seeing. As has been the theme all week, try to keep your cool, give yourself plenty of time and space with which to do your work, and focus as much as possible on what is important and let the trivial go.

Wednesday, April 6th

Sun conjunct Jupiter at 7:40am

This morning begins a break from the combative, combustible, disruptive energies of the first part of the week with a conjunction of the Sun (our Selves) with Jupiter (opportunity, growth, and fortune) starting a trend that makes the latter half of the week an improvement over the beginning. This aspect makes us feel more hopeful, optimistic and cheerful, but the downside of it can have us feeling a bit unmotivated to take advantage of its possibilities. If you can motivate yourself this morning, you just may find an easier path to a pot of gold at the end of your rainbow.

Thursday, April 7th

No major aspects

The Moon moves into Gemini at 4:22am breaking the period of sluggishness of this latest Taurus Moon. While the morning hours may have us thinking we woke up on a different planet, or at least a different day of the week than Thursday, as the day progresses we feel far more energetic, engaged, and enthusiastic about the affairs we need to attend to. The early afternoon may see the arrival of a bit of some welcome unexpected news, especially if you’ve been good and have been taking a more active role in the pursuit of your goals. If you find yourself feeling scattered during this Gemini Moon period, the keyword is focus, focus, focus! Focus on what you feel is important and let the other stuff slide. You can pick it back up over the weekend when the Moon has more support in Cancer.

Friday, April 8th

No major aspects

The Moon is in Gemini all day, and is fairly well aspected the whole time. For a Friday, it turns out to be rather productive, as we are able to know what needs to be done and take of it with dispatch. You may also find that some of the obstacles you encountered earlier in the week begin to fade into the background if not overcome completely. Hooray for the good guys! The evening has some excellent energies for socializing, sharing time with friends and loved ones, or just taking a long walk by yourself.

Saturday, April 9th

Pluto goes Retrograde at 1:49am

Sun conjunct Mercury at 12:37pm

The Moon enters Cancer at 2:02pm and our intuition and emotional selves kick into high gear. We’re likely to be a bit more moody, sensitive and cranky than usual and apt to take it out on anyone who dares annoy us. The problem is that although the Moon, in general, is very much at home in Cancer, with all this Aries, Capricorn, and Libra energy around it feels very insecure and under the gun. The Moon in Cancer craves security, so your key to emotional harmony is to acknowledge those parts of your life that bring you comfort and security and allow yourself the benefit of the doubt in those areas that feel to be a bit more threatening. Things will improve, the struggle we are in right now will pass eventually.

Pluto is retrograde until September 16th. Until then, some of the more difficult challenges we have been facing will begin to ease. During this time we find ourselves revisiting old attitudes, beliefs, and assumptions that have long outlived their usefulness. It is generally not an advantageous time to try and assert control over situations, but to examine why they are out of control, and work on what you can do to correct the situation.

The Sun conjunct Mercury marks the height of the Mercury Retrograde period. If you feel fuzzy or confused, or if communication or computers break down, the situation should turn around in a couple of weeks when Mercury goes direct on the 23rd of April. Hang in there!

Wishing you all a wonderful week!