The Flow is a bi-weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, how best to use them, and is offered for entertainment purposes.   It is intended for those with little knowledge of astrology.

For newcomers, the idea is to consider celestial influences as part of a larger whole, or the Flow.  All too often, astrologers tend to write about astrological events as if each were an isolated specimen as if pulled out of the sky and analyzed by itself – and there is no dearth of astrological sites on the net that write that way.  Here, it is the movement and interactions that are important and form the basis of discussion.

If any of the material is unclear or unfamiliar to you, it is probably unfamiliar to others as well, please leave a comment and I will be glad to answer your questions.  Please refer to the Terms of Service for acceptable use of this site.

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The Flow! is updated every other Sunday.

Please note: all times are in the Pacific Timezone.

Synopsis for the week: The Game’s Afoot


I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game’s afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry ‘God for Harry, England, and Saint George!’

–Shakespeare, Henry V, Act III, Scene I

The game’s afoot, but the movement is so subtle. With whispers and rustles in the dark, the pieces take their posts and spoil to smite their mark. All the while the sleeping people, disgruntled and displeased are distracted by trifling diversions.

A hammer is about to strike, but will it deal its intended blow, or will it miss and squish against the muds of deluded thinking and personal ambition?

That about sums up our landscape, and it is no surprise that much of the personal matches much of the political.

Uranus and Pluto are intensely entwined in a celestial tango. Their current cycle sent sparks flying that set off forest fires of liberation and personal freedom during the mid-60s. Interestingly, the conjunction occurred in the Sabian Sign of “The Orangutan,” symbol of personal evolution on a mass scale.

A conjunction between any two planets, such as Uranus and Pluto during the mid-60’s kicks off the cycle of meaning between them. Both planets are transformational, but their methods are very different. Uranus is responsive to external unseen forces and establishes a new world order each time it acts. Pluto is responsive to internal unseen forces and establishes a new world order as its actions reach the surface.

That’s why the Uranus-Pluto conjunction is so transformational. Both planets are working to transform the world, one from the outside, the other from the inside. The result is total transformation.

The zodiac is a cycle at which certain angular-distance relationships have particular meaning. As you’ll note in The Key that accompanies every full posting of The Flow, Sextiles and Trines assist and nurture what is created at the conjunction, while Semi-Squares and Squares challenge it and force it to adapt to more obstructive circumstances. Sometimes squares make us stronger, sometimes they end the chapter. As they say, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.

Wheel of major aspects

In the development of a cycle, after the conjunction first major aspect the planets face is a semi-square. Uranus and Pluto were semi-square during the mid-80s during the middle of Reagan’s second term, and much of the progress and gains of the 60’s came under vicious attack. Much survived, much advanced, but it was a vigorous battle, and not much escaped unscathed.

The next aspect the planets faced was a soothing sextile during the mid-90s during the transition between Bill Clinton’s first and second terms. During this time some of what was lost was regained, and much progress was made in many areas. While it may not have lived up to its expectations, and although President Clinton himself faced fierce opposition during this time, it is now looked back on as a rather golden age of prosperity, progress, and success.

Certainly compared with what was to follow.

We now face the granddaddy of challenging aspects, the square. Sometimes, with faster moving planets, squares hit quickly and are over and done with before we know it.

Not this time.

Uranus and Pluto are two of the slowest moving planets, and not only does it take nearly three YEARS to run its course, but hits exactly SEVEN times doing so:

1. June 24, 2012 – first square at 9-degrees Aries/Capricorn
2. September 19, 2012 – second square at 7-degrees Aries/Capricorn
3. May 20, 2013 – third square at 12-degrees Aries/Capricorn
4. November 1, 2013 – fourth square at 10-degrees Aries/Capricorn
5. April 21, 2014 – fifth square at 14-degrees Aries/Capricorn
6. December 15, 2014 – sixth square at 13-degrees Aries/Capricorn
7. March 16/17, 2015 – seventh square at 16-degrees Aries/Capricorn

As you can see, we’ve already had the first hit, and are just a couple weeks away from the second. It is no coincidence that the current US election (and those of many other countries) is being fought on this same scorched and pitted battleground.

Both the June and September 2012 aspects are still preliminary before the main event in November 2013. But preliminary is also preparatory. And those who are best prepared will fare the best.

How best to be prepared? Get connected with those of like thinking. A network is far stronger than any individual node within it, and when necessary a community of individuals can come to each other’s defense. Also, try not to be buffeted by the waves of each trendy crisis de jour, but keep your keel firmly in hand. And most of all, be aware, listening carefully, and paying attention to the subtle changes in the winds. Their whispers herald what is to follow.

Over the next couple of weeks before the second square hits, there is considerable movement of the planets making more minor aspects to each other. Their chatter should prove instructive. Watch what happens when one of these planets makes an aspect to Uranus or Pluto, particularly the sextile Mars makes to Pluto (and quincunxes Uranus) on the 3rd and the quintile to Uranus on the 12th. Both aspects should provide clues to the state of Pluto (internal mood and opinion changes) and Uranus (adjustments to unforeseen events). By the time Uranus and Neptune line up on the 10th, we may actually see a shift in thinking on some issues. Considering public attitudes on many issues, that could be a very welcome development.

Finally, before we get to the Daily Details, this time of year is excellent for viewing the venerable teapot and spoon in the sky, Sagittarius, as night sets in right after sunset. Once you’ve seen it, it’s hard to think of as a centaur again. But let’s not be too quick to judge the ancients and their iconography, if you follow the spout of the teapot, it’s just a short skip and jump to the Galactic Center. Now THAT’S a true aim, if ever there was!

If you have a pair of binoculars, taking a look at the region around Sagittarius is filled with celestial jewels, as the image below from Sky & Telescope magazine shows.

Facing South after dark, courtesy of Sky & Telescope magazine

And, on September 8th, Jupiter and the Moon align to dazzle the dawn sky an hour or so before sunrise. Jupiter takes again to the night sky, but is visible only in the early morning hours. Each day Jupiter will edge deeper and deeper into the night sky, until early December when it will be visible the entire night.

Courtesy of Sky & Telescope magazine


To the Daily Details!

Sunday, September 2nd

Venus quintiles Neptune at 2:56am

Venus deciles Uranus at 4:42am

We start off this week with the Moon having entered Aries a scant hour and a half before on Saturday night, and it leaves us with unsettled feelings. If you wake up on Sunday with important life-issue questions dangling over your head taunting you for a resolution, you’re not alone, and it isn’t the pickles and ice cream you ate the night before. We seem caught in a quandary, stuck between the rock of aspiration and the hard place of our current responsibilities. Bright visions of the future flit like will-o-the-wisps and weave a tapestry of hopes and dreams mingled with dark threads of present obligations and uncertainties. But, don’t panic, and don’t run around needlessly. Conserve your energy for when it is truly needed, not when ghosts dance behind your mind’s eye. It’ll all work out in the end, and you’ll very likely breathe a sigh of relief when it is all over. A woman friend, family member, or associate might be able to be of significant help, particularly if she is involved in a creative field or is an independent spirit.

Monday, September 3rd

Venus squares Saturn at 12:43am

Mars sextiles Pluto at 4:05am

Mercury noviles Jupiter at 7:15am

Sun semi-squares Saturn at 7:43am

Mercury septiles Saturn at 10:05am

Venus noviles Pluto at 12:52pm

Sun septiles Uranus at 3:38pm

Mars quincunxes Uranus at 10:41pm

Happy US Labor Day!

Wow, I can’t remember a day with so many aspects! Figuring out how all this adds up is like trying to analyze a box of crayons left out in the sun too long, but I’ll do my best…leaving the more minor aspects (novile and septile) to color the more important ones.

The Moon is in Aries, so we’re high spirited, active, and willing to put substantial energy into achieving our goals. We’re also a bit sensitive in our relations with others, have little to no patience, need to be first in line – but get in the last word, and generally can’t get where we want to go fast enough. So if you’re driving home for the holiday, be careful on the roads!

The Venus (relationships) square to Saturn (obligations) is likely to indicate that we have things we have to do to satisfy others we’d rather not do. Don’t let it get to you, just carry out what you need to and it will all wash out in the end. It may even lead to an opportunity for you in about a month. Mars (energy) sextiling Pluto (transformation) and Mars quincunxing Uranus (change) means that we’ve got a lot of oomph in our Wheaties, so whatever you put your mind to accomplish, you should be able to accomplish relatively easily. It is also a good aspect for overcoming obstructions, so if there are speed bumps in your path, today is a good day to try to plow through them. In the evening, however, you may want to give yourself some extra time so that you don’t get frustrated by unexpected delays.

Finally, the Sun (self) semi-square to Saturn (more responsibilities) is going to force many of us to answer whether we are properly fulfilling our roles and whether there might not be a better way of doing things that would help us be more successful. This isn’t usually an easy thing to do. Often, we resist implications that we could do things better if we did them differently. Still, this aspect offers the opportunity to analyze whether you could use a course correction, and if it’s an offer you accept, there may be a bonus for you in about two months’ time.

Tuesday, September 4th

Moon enters Disseminating phase at 3:19am

Moon enters Taurus at 8:41am

Mercury trines Pluto at 9:46am

Mercury quincunxes Uranus at 3:51pm

The Moon enters its Disseminating phase early this morning while in the last few degrees of Aries before it moves into Taurus a bit later. The Disseminating phase is when the Moon “disseminates” or distributes the energies generated during the prior Full Moon. Dane Rudhyar selected the term “disseminate” deliberately, because it also implies the scattering of seeds, both the seeds matured during the Full phase and those that will sprout during the coming New Moon. This phase lasts until September 8th when the Moon will enter its Last Quarter phase.

The Moon enters Taurus and everything quiets down substantially Tuesday morning. The Mercury-Pluto trine helps in this regard as our minds are attuned to our inner needs and we are better able to satisfy what we need most. This aspect also sharpens our intellect, and offers insight into issues that have previously been a source of concern. Later in the afternoon when Mercury quincunxes Uranus, look for some unexpected difficulty to arise, but if you haven’t lost the morning’s sharpness to a lunch coma, you should be able to manage things fairly easily.

Wednesday, September 5th

Mercury sextiles Mars at 1:06am

Mercury noviles Venus at 11:34am

Sun trines Moon at 11:54am

One of the nicer features of the Disseminating phase of the Moon is that it includes the waning trine of the Sun and Moon. This is usually a time of harmony and balance between our outer and inner selves, and so is a time when we feel better about our current circumstances and prospects. Since too the Moon is in earthy Taurus and the Sun is in earthy Virgo, there’s a pleasant practical harmony that we may be able to use to put our finances in better order. If you have either the Sun or Moon in either Virgo or Taurus, or either sign is on the 2nd house cusp, you should either be able to enjoy financial gains or the fruits of your financial labors at this time. Since the Moon is waning, it is probably not the best time to start a new financial venture, but it may prove to be fertile soil for making plans for when the energies are more supportive.

The sextile between Mercury (mind) and Mars (energy) and novile Mercury makes to Venus (relationships) means that during most of the morning hours, not only are we apt to be able to think more clearly, but be better able to say the right thing at the right time. If there’s an important meeting or discussion you are contemplating, scheduling it for Wednesday morning may be the most beneficial time of the week for getting what you want.

Thursday, September 6th

Venus enters Leo at 7:48am

Mars quintiles Jupiter at 9:12am

Venus semi-squares Jupiter at 10:46am

Mercury septiles Uranus at 7:55pm

Moon enters Gemini at 9:10pm

Mercury semi-squares Saturn at 9:44pm

Venus enters Leo, and if that ain’t an excuse to party, I don’t know what is. Venus in Cancer is the proverbial sweet old grandma, keeping house, baking cookies, and always ready with tea and/or sympathy when needed. She’s nurturing and kind, but a bit overly sensitive, and needs her garden to retreat to in order to regain her sense of balance. Venus in Leo rips off her apron, puts on a red dress, stiletto heels, jangling earrings and enough makeup to make Cleopatra jealous, and beams as she turns heads of both sexes as she struts by.

Relationships of all kinds have the opportunity to add just a bit of spice and enchantment while Venus is in Leo, and a relationship started at this time can have just the right touch of fun that helps it over some of the rough spots later on. Venus is in Leo until October 2nd.

There’s a reason why Mercury was called the “Messenger of the Gods,” he’s always darting in and out of their sphere of influence, and this week he’s been particularly active. When he’s in a good mood, like he was yesterday, matters he controls (communications, thinking, computers, technological devices) function well, and when he’s in a sour mood, like tonight, they go on the fritz. Any problem at this time are likely to be caused by the omission of something important, so be sure that you’ve attended to all the necessary details before moving forward with any plans or intentions.

Friday, September 7th

Sun squares Jupiter at 3:15am

Venus quincunxes Neptune at 1:52pm

The week ends on a flat note. While the Sun (Self) square to Jupiter (opportunity) offers a bit of chance to make amends for anything you feel might be currently out of order. In a very real sense, many of these issues are out of our hands and essentially in the control of others, but that doesn’t mean we’re powerless to do anything about the course of their development. There are plenty of decisions that we could make to alter at least our own personal landscape and begin treading down a different path. Look around, take stock of what your possibilities may be and choose wisely.

Our relationships may feel as if they’re escaping our control this afternoon, continuing the “control” trend of the day. However, in this case, our concern is that we may be giving up too much control to our loved one. Remember, you can still accede to another’s needs without becoming servile, so long as you do so from a stance of respect and not by being cornered to make a concession.


Saturday, September 8th

Moon enters Last Quarter phase at 6:15am

Mercury squares Jupiter at 5:13pm

Venus septiles Pluto at 7:19pm

The Last Quarter phase illustrates the tension between our inner wants and external circumstances. With the Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Virgo, it’s all in our head, but that doesn’t make it any less real. The important thing is to analyze the situation, make a decision and move forward. The Moon is in Last Quarter phase until the 12th, when it will enter the final Balsamic phase, indicating that it is the perfect time to make salad dressing.

When Mercury starts squaring Jupiter around mid-day, annoyances are likely. So long as we don’t magnify them out of proportion, we should be able to manage them with grace. Keeping your cool and controlling your temper will help keep a minor setback from becoming a mountainous obstacle.

Later in the evening when Venus septiles Pluto, the skies are alight with romance and understanding. We have the opportunity to adopt a new perspective on a situation or event that when better understood helps increase the harmony within our relationships. This can set the stage for a delightful evening of soaring feelings and fulfilling deep passions if we allow ourselves to trust to our inner guidance.

Dear Fellows, Fans, and Friends of The Flow!

Please accept my apologies for not keeping The Flow up to date! I can tell many of you are eager to learn what is happening up above. However, on Friday, when I intended to continue last week’s blog with this week’s interpretations, I got grave news that my dad is very ill. I would greatly appreciate any healing thoughts, wishes, prayers or healing circles, you might be able to send his way.

Thank you and blessings!

Please also forgive my grammar, too…it’s a bit hard to concentrate on heavenly affairs when earthly ones beckon so intensely!

I’ll dispense with the last couple of days, and move right to Tuesday.


Tuesday, September 11th

Sun deciles Pluto at 12:27am

Mercury semi-squares Venus at 2:09pm

Mercury noviles Neptune  at 10:11pm

Mercury septiles Mars at 10:48pm

Today is not the best for communication. When Venus and Mercury have a spat, the rest of us suffer and bear the brunt of their slings and arrows. What we say isn’t enough or not quite what we mean, and what does wind up coming out of our mouths is misunderstood. Mind your manners, mind your peas, mind your queues, and you should be able to make the best of it. The evening is productive for getting in touch with deep seated feelings that we might otherwise skip over like a stone on a pond. Drink deep of these nocturnal waters, and you may find yourself healed of broken dreams and cloistered memories. If you do find yourself in a better space as we approach the 11th hour, as the Mercury-Mars septile approaches, take some action that demonstrates your new understanding and/or sense of self. It will go a long way in the recuperative process.


Wednesday, September 12th

Moon enters Balsamic phase at 5:38am at 7º Leo

Mars bi-quintiles Uranus at 11:58am

Mars deciles Neptune at 12:46pm

Venus quincunxes Pluto at 4:47pm

Venus septiles Jupiter at 6:53pm

Venus trines Uranus at 9:45pm

The Balsamic Moon in Leo begins a rather introspective period, in which we try to look inside to rectify our shortcomings before the onset of the winter months. The Virgo need to cleanse is met with the Leonine focus on Self, to improve our fortitude, sense of self, and security to better withstand the approach of the colder months and the rigors it entails. Sometimes thoughts arise from nowhere that question previous actions and relive delicate memories. These are often areas that invoke strong emotional responses within us, and may have unresolved karmic threads. Follow those threads as best you can, and they will lead to a catharsis that will leave you cleaner, stronger, and healthier. Mars starts off the day, then hands the baton to Venus in the afternoon. We are brave in the morning hours, and go about our affairs with more than a dash of charm and charisma. Our inner Errol Flynns are looking for some swashbuckling action, and if you want to be in, give him a sword to play with. In the evening hours, find a friend to play or chat with, and if no one is around, your favorite beverage may do. The evening is all about sharing, enjoying, and satiation. Satiate to your heart’s content!


Thursday, September 13th

Venus noviles Saturn at 4:19am

Sun noviles Neptune at 7:43am

Mercury septiles Pluto at 9:52am

Sun deciles Saturn at 3:59pm

The morning has enough noviles to satisfy the Catholic Church, and in a sense, the meaning’s the same. Noviles are times of spiritual connection, and when Neptune’s involved, that sense is heightened. Taken together, both noviles indicate that whatever obligations you have to others, dispatching them, however unpleasant they may be, will be deeply rewarded and appreciated – in another life. It seems no matter what we do, or how much we try, nothing we do gets the proper respect or appreciation. That doesn’t mean we can give up and let them slide. Oh, no! Doing that will get you slapped upside the head. No, this is a case of damned if you do, and double damned if you don’t. The good news here is that if you seek to fulfill your responsibilities, you will sleep well tonight. Morpheus will be watching. May he reward your dreams well!


Friday, September 14th

Moon enters Virgo at 2:30am

Mercury septiles Neptune at 10:32pm

We are preparing for tomorrow’s New Moon of Virgo, and turn inward for guidance. Today is a day for our families and those with whom we share a close bond. There’s a need to find understanding with others of like mindedness who speak the same language we do. Every family, group, clan, or tribe has their own way of speaking about things, and that manner of speaking matters. Words have a nuance that when translated outside of our group or language often has less meaning and import. Today, we need to be with those who speak with similar tongues.  The problem sometimes, is that instead of enhancing communication, group-speak or jargon, tend to camouflage what needs to be said. So that all that is uttered are syllables that while understood, are just hollow shells of what we really need to say. Be mindful  today of the way you communicate with others, and be sure that your words and emotions don’t get lost in translation.


Saturday, September 15th

Mercury semi-sextiles Saturn at 9:50am

New Moon of Virgo at 7:11pm at 24º Virgo

Mars septiles Pluto at 10:35pm

Mercury septiles Jupiter at 10:42pm

It is common in many circles to think of the Self in three parts. An emotional , intuitive, and instinctive Self; a rational, intellectual, and deciding Self, and a spiritual, guiding, and karmic Self. Sometimes, our emotional Self gets a bit out of balance, wants to sit down on the floor and start throwing things – like say a tantrum. But we don’t. Partly at this stage of the game, because others don’t react very well to such uncontrolled expressions of emotion but also mostly because we have trained ourselves to channel our emotions in ways that experience has taught us are more productive. During this New Moon phase, many of us will learn why. Some of it has to do with keeping those three selves in balance, but also the stakes of keeping the sum of those three selves, our Being, in balance and harmony with the society in which we live. This is a New Moon that will wipe many slates clean, so long as we are willing to get down on our hands and knees a do a bit of psychological scrubbing.

Another way in which this New Moon may operate is that many of us face obstacles that stubbornly refuse to yield. We find ourselves stuck facing the same obstructions on the same issues, in the same manner time and time again. This New Moon may help us devise other ways and perspectives to deal with his problem and if not skirt the obstruction completely, find ways to get it to yield.

The evening’s septiles add a festive sparkle to the proceedings, so if you don’t feel effervescent enough, do pop and cork and open a bottle of bubbly, just be sure to do so safely and with good company!

Wishing you all a wonderful week!