Archive for September 11th, 2011

The Flow! Week of September 11 – 18, 2011

The Flow is a weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, and how best to use them.   It is intended for those with little knowledge of astrology. 

For newcomers, the idea is to consider celestial influences as part of a larger whole, or the Flow.  All too often, astrologers tend to write about astrological events as if each were an isolated specimen as if pulled out of the sky and analyzed by itself – and there is no dearth of astrological sites on the net that write that way.  Here, it is the movement and interactions that are important and form the basis of discussion.

If any of the material is unclear or unfamiliar to you, it is probably unfamiliar to others as well, please leave a comment and I will be glad to answer your questions. 

If you like what you see, please share it with friends!  If you would like to get email notifications for when The Flow! is updated, or have a private question please email me at  Thank you!

The Flow! is updated every Sunday.

Please note: all times are in the Pacific Timezone.

This week’s synopsis: By the Light of the Harvest Moon

The holiday season is upon us, and time to dust off the holiday decorations. Soon it will be the Autumnal Equinox and pagans will celebrate Mabon. The Jewish high holidays arrive at the end of the month and beginning of October, then there’s Samhain/Halloween, Thanksgiving, Advent, Yule, Christmas, Channukah, Kwanzaa, and the New Year all before you know it.

On Monday we celebrate the Harvest Moon at 2:27am at 20° of Pisces. The Harvest Moon is always the Full Moon closest to the autumnal equinox (Mabon). Since this Full Moon is only 11 days before the equinox and the next Full Moon is 18 days after, it wins.

Astronomically, what makes this Moon special is the angle its orbit makes to the horizon at sunset. Around the equinox, the Full Moon rises a good 20-30 minutes earlier than other Full Moons, so the extra light was said to help farmers bring in the harvest.

But also we know that celestial objects near the horizon always look bigger, and because this Full Moon is more visible at the horizon earlier, it simply appears bigger and more prominent than other moons.

It is one mother of a moon.

This Harvest Moon also falls in the part of Pisces symbolized by the “Flow of Inspiration.”

Inspiration can take many forms. One can be inspired by another’s presence, remark, or deeds; by wealth itself, or the wealth of meaning we find in music, poetry, or literature; by nature in vistas both astonishing and mundane; or by a flash of understanding that makes reason out of riddles. The story of humanity may be told in blood, sweat, and tears, but it advances in quantum leaps of inspiration.

Inspiration can move us with a force like no other.  It can come in the form of an idea, purpose, or person which can shape our actions and behaviors for years to come.  It can provide the ingenious answer to a problem, or a vision of what is possible that becomes the wellspring of one’s life’s work.  And it can totally alter the course of not only one’s life, but of humanity as well.  Thomas Edison said that genius was one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.  That may be so, but without inspiration, all you get is wet.

Sometimes the flow of inspiration blows in like a hurricane changing everything it touches, and other times it arrives like a will o’ the wisp taunting us to follow over uncharted lands.  But the flow also often sparks fires that burn bright with enlightenment and gives birth to ideas that live long after their midwife has gone.

And speaking of evolution…

As we all remember from astronomy in science class, when the Moon is full, the Sun and Earth are lined up in a straight line, so that wherever the Moon is in the zodiac, the Sun is exactly opposite. In this case, the Sun is in 20° Virgo, in the part of the zodiac symbolized by “An Orangutan.”

An orangutan is a primate that naturally lives in the jungles of the islands off Southeast Asia who is more distantly related to humans than either the chimpanzee or gorilla.  In fact, the name means ‘man of the jungle’ and is one of the few members of the ancient hominid family tree found exclusively outside Africa.  And in a symbolic sense, the orangutan can be said to represent the principles of evolution in action.

To evolve means to change, and in a biological sense evolution is change that transcends the individual and affects future generations by propagating itself through the gene pool.  A human confronting an orangutan stands across a chasm of countless changes and adaptations that have occurred from some long forgotten ancestor as dissimilar to both as the orangutan is to us. These changes and adaptations each provide for new opportunities for education and are the means the body has successfully developed to thrive and survive.  They symbolize the first level of education, instinctive physical education.

These are not easy times. We are beset with personal, political, economic, educational, cultural and climatological challenges. Some of our own making, some are the result of circumstances, and some are the result of having so many challenges to face all at once.

But they are not unrelated.

How many of our personal challenges are the result of the more global economic conditions? How many of our climatological challenges are the result of economic mismanagement and denial? How many of our educational challenges are based in our politics? And how many economic crises are the direct result of the policies derived from our politics?

“Oh what a tangled web we weave…!”

But our intent is not to deceive. There is no time for deceptions, and certainly not ones directed at our own selves. The urgent, pressing, critical imperative is to survive, and survive as best we can.

And when you do, you learn how to overcome such challenges – and this education serves as the DNA of your personal evolution.

Our own lives are so very different from an Orangutan’s in so many ways. And what did we do – learn to walk upright, grasp things with our hands and use them as tools, learn how to make fire, smelt metals from the earth? And did we do so because some chemicals changed within our cells, or did the chemicals change within our cells because our consciousness was ready?

Ahhh, the flow of inspiration! The say water is the most powerful force on earth, and that still waters run deep. Perhaps the flow of the waters of inspiration are the most powerful forces affecting our personal, cultural, and genetic destinies.

So as we sit and swing until the silvery light of this Harvest Moon, may we all be open to the flow of inspiration that can serve to succor our fears, soothe our ills, heal our woes, and move us forward in our personal evolution.


This Full Moon is in effect until the next New Moon on September 27th, and what a New Moon it is! Occurring at 5° of Libra, it is the New Moon of Transfiguration. Read all about it in the September 25th edition of The Flow!

Be sure to check out the photos at the bottom of this post, there’s a fabulous pix of Saturn and his rings taken by the Casimi explorer from the dark side of the planet directly facing the Sun.

To the Daily Details!

Sunday, September 11th

Mercury trines Pluto at 10:27pm

Happy Grandparents Day!

The Moon is in Pisces all day, and combined with the Mercury trine Pluto is well suited for stirring memories of the events of September 11, 2001. Whatever that day has come to mean to you, in whatever way you remember it is likely to be emotional, poignant, deep, and profound.

Otherwise, it has been a rather nice weekend. The ongoing sextile (harmonious) aspect between Mars (male, yang) and Venus (female, yin) has given us more energy and drive to be out and able, and experience more heartfelt encounters with those we meet. Communication is easier, and what we say (both of the verbal and non-verbal varieties) is more easily understood and taken in the spirit with which it is meant. Even encounters of hostility are more benign than otherwise. Certainly, lions are not laying down with lambs, but they are not roaring either.

Friendships and associations begun at this time may be enduring. And if you have a special someone(s) to spend some time with this weekend, you can further enhance the quality of your relationship.


Monday, September 12th

Full Harvest Moon at 2:27am

The Moon remains in Pisces for most of the day, not making it into Aries until 11:49pm. Our feelings run high in the early morning hours, so don’t be surprised if you find your emotions skidding out of control at the least provocation. Keep the Kleenex handy if you plan on watching TV!

As we awaken any unsettled feelings ought to pass and we feel more buoyant and uplifted, as if the emotions of the evening purged our emotional bodies like a night sweat breaks a fever. If you have negotiations to make or meetings to conduct, the early afternoon hours should be conducive. As the afternoon wears on we have added oomph, vigor, and energy. Find some creative way to expend all this energy so that you aren’t inclined to race around on the freeway, even if it means sitting at your desk tapping a pencil on your notepad. This may be a good time to go running those errands you’ve put on the back burner, just be light on the gas pedal!

The evening hours may be a bit tense as lingering fears, doubts, and indecisions seem to creep into our thoughts from the woodwork. Probably the best way to handle them is tell yourself you’ll come up with a solution for them in your dreams – and then forget about ‘em. They’re probably more trouble than they’re worth, anyway!

Tuesday, September 13th

No major aspects

The Moon is in Aries all day, and try to stay out of trouble as best you can. Most people got out of bed on the wrong side today, and that’s not your fault. Your fault is getting in their face. Confrontations will escalate at the drop of a pin, so put on your best smiley face when you leave the house and just bat those fabulous eye-lashes as sweetly as you can.

On the whole, there is likely to be a high level of tension, hectic pacing, chaotic communications, and a more frenzied level of activity that builds a sweat but doesn’t actually accomplish much. Keeping a low profile is a high prority!

The tension in the air slowly dissipates over the late afternoon, but it may leave us with a false sense of security. We may be more easily suckered into bad deals and bad faith negotiations at this time, so you may want to skip the infomercials or home shopping networks until this energy completely passes tomorrow. People may also be more inclined to more what they think you want to hear than what they mean to say. In any event, take what you hear with a grain of salt, and promise to think about it. If it’s a promise you break, I promise not to tell.

Wednesday, September 14th

Mercury trines Jupiter at 6:43pm

Venus enters Libra at 7:40pm

The Moon, sigh, seems stuck in Aries all day and therefore all the hectic, stressful, and frenzy of yesterday lingers like the smell of stale beer on a barroom floor the morning after. But today the janitor comes around mid-morning to mop the floor and clear the air. The difference in the afternoon should be palpable.

When the Mercury (mind) trines (harmonious) Jupiter (good-fortune), we have our thinking caps and heads firmly on our shoulders. We seem to have found our stride at work and the answers seem to flow like the notes in a symphony as everything falls properly into place and some of our worries (thankfully!) fade into the sunset. This aspect is very much in effect all day, so if you have an important meeting to schedule, schedule it for today!

Ah, Venus in Libra! Venus is very, very much at home in Libra. In Virgo she can be a bit of a vixen, but in Libra she is in on her own turf, potent, and in good spirits. People become a little kinder, fairer, gentler, and more eager to please than otherwise. There may be an iron fist in that velvet glove, but velvet is a less abrasive material. Similarly, abrasiveness is less likely to be acceptable while Venus resides here. Libra is a staunch believer in the Golden Rule, and most assuredly will do unto you as you do unto them. The more so with Venus and other planets. The biggest difficulty with Venus in Libra is that when it comes to relationships she tends to be a bit indecisive. She will sit there weighing pros and cons of any decision on her scales watching them balance until the cows come home. Impatience will get you nowhere. For now it’s best to take ol’ Ben Franklin’s advice, “He that can have Patience, can have what he will.” Venus is in Libra until October 8th.

Thursday, September 15th

No major aspects

The Moon finally moseys into Taurus at 12:25pm. As we’ve seen with quite a bit of this Moon in Aries, the morning hours are likely to be hectic and frenzied. Leave yourself extra time to find the keys and anticipate, but do not participate in any traffic accidents along the way.

In the late morning we can begin to feel the transition to a calmer more stable flow of energy, and it may trigger a touch of extra emotional sensitivity and perk up our psychic and inspirational juices. Pay close attention to any stray thoughts you have at this time as they may be far more important and worthy than they seem.

In the evening we may feel the need for some extra emotional validation, nurturing, and comfort, that might even include an indulgence or two. Just however you go about satisfying your inner needs don’t leave you needing to call in sick tomorrow morning!

Friday, September 16th

Pluto stationary direct at 11:23am

If it feels like we’ve been stuck since early April, there’s a good reason, that’s when Pluto turned retrograde. Now that it’s direct, we should be able to make better progress attaining our goals. We’ve let go of a lot of emotional baggage and gained better control of our inner lives. Now it’s time to turn our attention outward toward those tantalizing external goals.

The Moon is in Taurus all day. The energies of the early part of the day should be fairly smooth. We are able to accomplish what we set out to do easily and without much ado. However, later in the day as the evening approaches, things get very strange and dicey. It seems as if no one is on the same page as anyone else. Everyone’s approach to things is different and everyone seems to have a divergent opinion about how things should go and what they should be doing. Perhaps the best way to handle all this energy is either plant yourself in front of the TV or go to out to the movies and watch a comedy. That way the comedy will be on the screen instead of in your life.

Saturday, September 17th

Venus opposes Uranus at 4:06am

The Moon is in Taurus all day. For those of you in a committed relationship on the east coast may want to relax and stay in bed until the Venus Uranus opposition passes as it will hit there around daybreak. The aspect is likely to make the related among us moody, sensitive, unsettled, doubtful, and feel as if our relationships are all wrong. And there may even be a strong urge to want to find a knight or princess in shining armor to save you. Fortunately, you can stay in bed and let this energy pass you by.

For those of you on the single side of the equation (on any coast), the early hours of the day (including Friday night) may percolate your hormones and seek to sow some wild oats. There are lots of romantic whiffs to the air, so you may be able to do some serious wooing and cooing if you play your cards right.

On the whole, the day is likely to feel a bit strange as if there’s something pending in the air just out of reach. It’s Neptune’s otherworldly influence, and he is trying to offer us peeks into other worlds and realities. Heed his call if you can!

The evening is likely to be pleasant, so plan on spending some time enjoying life. You just might find something special if you do!

Wishing you all a wonderful week!



Full Harvest Moon

Full Harvest Moon

Glorious Saturn and his rings

This is real, folks! Courtesy of NASA

The Key

The planets move and twirl around the zodiac, and as they do they form
various relationships with each other.  These relationships are called
ASPECTS.  The distance between the two planets determines the nature of
the aspect between them, and this reveals how well those two planets are
getting along.

To help you follow along, I have included two charts for the Sundays at the
beginning and end of each week, so you can see the movements of the planets.
You can find each planet in the charts below and in the legend to the right
that gives their exact position.

The Signs:

Aries –  Quick, daring, adventurous; self-assertive, leadership,
ambitious; forceful

Taurus – Practical, nature-loving; tenacious, perseverance; loves

Gemini – Intellectual; dual; curious, creative, talkative; restless, highly

Cancer – Emotional, nurturing, empathetic; sentimental, protective, romantic

Leo – Dramatic, poised, confident; proud, dignified, ambitious; colorful,

Virgo – Service-minded, fussy, critical, shrewd, logical, discriminating,

Libra – Refined, peace-minded, level-headed, perceptive, generous,

Scorpio – Intense, secretive, strong-willed, forceful, courageous, keen

Sagittarius – Expansive, optimistic, mutable, philosophical, outspoken,
loves outdoors

Capricorn – Honest, practical, business-like, careful, dependable,
responsible, dutiful

Aquarius — Original, strong willed, quick, intellectual, progressive,

Pisces — Ultra-sensitive, self-sacrificing, worriers, obliging, dreamy,

The Planets

Sun – The self; one’s ego; the matter at hand; the center, tipping point; is

Moon – Our emotions, personality; changeable, reflective, responsive; is

Mercury – Intelligence, commerce, computers, networks, communications

Venus –  Relationships, romance, attraction, charisma, symbolic of

Mars – The energizer bunny, aggression, movement, strife, symbolic of men

Jupiter – Expansion, law, religion, publishing, optimistic, growing, fortune

Saturn – Contraction, discipline, institutions, conservative, practical,
focused, fate

Chiron – Wounded healer, new beginnings, bridge between lessons and

Uranus – Revolution, progressive, technology, science, chaos theory

Neptune – Religion, drugs, alcohol, dreams, meditation, spirituality

Pluto – Power, the depths, transformation, invisible forces, cleansing

(North) Node – Connections, networks, associations, alliances


The Aspects

Conjunction (yellow dot) – 0 degrees separation; like two planets having a
meeting or business lunch

Semi-Sextile (short gray line) – 30 degrees; like two planets having a
conversation at the water cooler

Semi-square (magenta line) – 45 degrees; like two planets having an argument

Sextile (cyan line) – 60 degrees; like two planets out on a date

Quintile (yellow line) – 72 degrees; like two planets expressing themselves

Square (red line) – 90 degrees; like two planets headed toward divorce court

Trine (green line) – 120 degrees; like two planets on a romantic vacation

Sesquiquadrate (long purple line) – 135 degrees; redux of the same argument
as the Semi-Square

Quincunx – (long deep cyan line) – 150 degrees; like a boss passing their
administrative assistant in the hallway, can be good or bad depending on the

Opposition (long blue line) – 180 degrees; like two planets in a formalized,
highly structured debate.

Astro chart for beginning of week 9/11/11

Chart for September 11, 2011

Astro chart for end of week 9/18/11


Chart for September 18, 2011