Archive for September 18th, 2011

The Flow! Week of September 18 – 25, 2011

The Flow is a weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, and how best to use them.   It is intended for those with little knowledge of astrology. 

For newcomers, the idea is to consider celestial influences as part of a larger whole, or the Flow.  All too often, astrologers tend to write about astrological events as if each were an isolated specimen as if pulled out of the sky and analyzed by itself – and there is no dearth of astrological sites on the net that write that way.  Here, it is the movement and interactions that are important and form the basis of discussion.

If any of the material is unclear or unfamiliar to you, it is probably unfamiliar to others as well, please leave a comment and I will be glad to answer your questions. 

If you like what you see, please share it with friends!  If you would like to get email notifications for when The Flow! is updated, or have a private question please email me at  Thank you!

The Flow! is updated every Sunday.

Please note: all times are in the Pacific Timezone.

This week’s synopsis: Noblesse Oblige

On Sunday at 6:51pm, Mars enters Leo. Ta-da!

On the one hand, Mars in Leo is no big deal. Mars spins around the zodiac in just about two years, and spends about two months in each sign as it does so. That really isn’t all that much to get excited about. If you’re a planet, two months doesn’t give you a whole lot of time to do a whole lot. It is less than the blink of an eye in planetary terms.

Mars is our neighbor next out from the Sun, and our orbits combine to do some interesting things. Sometimes Mars appears as an unmistakably bright red dot in the sky as in 2005, and other times you almost need a magnifying glass to find it – even overhead. That’s because unlike the more (ahem) perfect circular orbit of the Earth, Mars’ orbit is skewed in relation to the Sun, so its furthest and closest points to us here on Earth are rather far apart.

Mars also goes Retrograde just about every other year, in just about each sign in order. In late 2007 Mars went Retrograde in Cancer, in late 2009 it went Retrograde in Leo, and very early next year it will go Retrograde in Virgo.

Mars is the planet of energy. It is our ambition, our drive, our oomph. When you force yourself to get out of bed in the morning, you’re calling on your Mars to do so. And if you are about to go work, work – especially the physical variety, is also a Martian activity. Mars is also pointed, masculine, direct in speech, combative (he was, after all the Greco-Roman god of war), aggressive, strong, dynamic, and forceful. When someone is in your face, you are facing their Mars in action.

Mars has been in Cancer since August 3rd, and will remain in Leo until November 10th. Leo the Lion, king of beasts, is also considered the king of the western zodiac, and can embody such noble traits of generosity, kindness, courage, leadership, and confidence. On the other hand, they can also be arrogant, self-centered, dramatic, stubborn, and willful. And somewhere in between, somewhere in the middle of the rib-cage, they can be funny, witty, light-hearted, and free-spirited.

As much as Mars hated being in Cancer, it adores being in Leo. He is like the Human Torch from the X-Men shouting “flame on!” and getting about to fighting evil.

Most of us will feel the shift in signs as a shift from feeling emotional about things to wanting to do something about them. Mars in Cancer sits and frets, Mars in Leo acts. Its actions may not always be successful – Mars in Leo sometimes tempts us to go where angels fear to tread. Leo’s fixed stubbornness and Mars’ drive and power can take circumstances that might break a lesser willed Mars, giving this astrological placement a sense that it can do things that makes others quail. It may appear like courage, but it’s just an unwillingness to accept limitations that drives many a Mars in Leo forward.

And for those who do decide to act, Mars in Leo is a great organizer, leader, and manager. Mars here has an innate sense of knowing how to fit the skill sets of different people together cohesively and productively. Sometimes this can come across as bossiness when perceived by others, but it’s usually bossiness for a purpose. So if you feel yourself being pushed against your will at this time, you might want to think if there’s not some role you might fulfill for the “good of the cause” before mouthing off or getting angry. After all, who better to herd cats than Mars in the sign of the Lion?

Mars in Leo also has a strong drive for significance. It wants to make its mark. Sometimes this can take the form of self-promotion since Leo is the sign of the Ego, and Mars is the planet of ambition. Combined, they want to make something of the time available, so look for people to take a more direct path toward accomplishing their goals.

Similarly, Mars in Leo generally has little tolerance for small-mindedness and pettiness. Often, their most important ambition is the realization of some ideal. This can sometimes be channeled into charity, community, or public sector work. While again Mars isn’t in Leo for very long, it may shine its spotlight on this facet of its influence long enough for some good to be done for those who really need it.

And finally, Mars in Leo can simply just be fun. Kittens of all shapes, sizes, and ages love to play and Mars gives them something to be frisky about. That combined with Leo’s flair for the dramatic can make this an interesting time. Noblesse oblige for sure!

Here’s a list of people with Mars in Leo to give you an idea of how this placement works.

Pedro Almodóvar, Hans Christian Anderson, Marc Anthony, Fred Astaire, Alice Bailey, Brigitte Bardot, William Blake, Niels Bohr, Cher, Hillary Clinton, George Clooney, Gary Cooper, Billy Crystal, James Dean, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Fred Durst, Enya, Melissa Etheridge, Michael Faraday, Colin Farrell, Ralph Fiennes, Flea, Harrison Ford, Henry Ford, Jodie Foster, Michael J. Fox, James Franco, Anne Frank, Paul Gaugin, Mark Hamill, Goldie Hawn, Salma Hayek, Hulk Hogan, Buddy Holly, Iman, Thomas Jefferson, Michael Jordan, Helen Keller, Anthony Kiedis, Kevin Kline, Beyonce Knowles, Hugh Laurie, Jet Li, Till Lindemann, Gina Lollabrigida, Sophia Loren, Elle MacPherson, John McCain, Paul McCartney, Bette Midler, Demi Moore, Florence Nightingale, Conan O’Brien, Carl Orff, Clive Own, Gregory Peck, Edith Piaf, Daniel Radcliffe, Rachel Ray, Robert Redford, Maximillien Robespierre, Dennis Rodman, Adam Sandler, Martin Sheen, Frank Sinatra, Bruce Springsteen, Ringo Starr, Jon Stewart, Sting, Igor Stravinsky, Quentin Tarantino, Channing Tatum, Steven Tyler, Eckhart Tolle, Harry S. Truman, Donald Trump, Twiggy, Sigourney Weaver, Serena Williams, Vanessa L. Williams, Brian Wilson, Frank Lloyd Wright, Neil Young.

To the Daily Details!

Sunday, September 18th

Venus squares Pluto at 6:07pm

Mars enters Leo at 6:51pm

The Moon enters Gemini at 1:06am so for all intents and purposes, this is a Moon in Gemini day. For most of the day, that’s a good thing. As we wake we feel moved to do the things we said we wanted to do, and are mostly able to take care of affairs as planned. However, no matter what you do, things should turn out well, and we are favored to enjoy the day’s activities. This is especially true of you are shopping, sharing ideas, learning or exercising your cranium. Later in the afternoon, however, things get a bit muddled, so if there’s important mind-work to be done, try to get to it before the evening hours. The Venus Pluto square is likely to arouse our passions for both good or bad. If you meet someone new who tickles your fancy, you could be talking about a long-term affair. If someone ticks you off, you might find yourself channeling Vesuvius. Just be careful where you spew your lava!

Monday, September 19th

No major aspects

The morning hours are likely to be unsettled, as in rushing about, not leaving enough time for what needs to be done, and butterflies in the stomach. There’s lots of nervous energy fluttering around, so if you don’t want to catch any butterflies, keep your mouth shut. Things actually turn out rather well as the day progresses, and we receive news from an unexpected source. It is likely to be good news, if you can capitalize on it. The evening finds us in a funk, though. Too much uncertainty, too many doubts flitting about, and too many cooks in the kitchen. Extricate yourself from all this zaniness as best you can, and turn on the TV. Chances are, you’ll be more in the mood for channel surfing than watching anything in particular, but switching channels in the middle of a program is a good way to disburse nervous Gemini lunar energy. They don’t call it lunacy for nothing!

Tuesday, September 20th

No major aspects

The Moon enters Cancer at 11:53am, but that doesn’t really help much. In the morning hours our get up and go has taken a flight to Brazil. We feel listless, aimless and find concentrating on anything important particularly difficult. To add fuel to this fire, once the Moon enters Cancer, not only to we feel like we’re morphing into a sloth, but start to have a hankering to start climbing a tree. The afternoon returns us to our senses, and humanity. There could be shakeup of sorts, particularly with regard to obstacles you’ve been facing lately. If you can find the right way to frame things, you just might find yourself floating on life like cream on milk. What is really, really, really important here is that the universe is pushing things in a certain direction. Heed it! It might not be your way¸ but the universe’s. The universe is holding the higher cards. It wins.

Wednesday, September 21st

No major aspects

Happy International Day of Peace!

If only it were so!

Early in the morning is the best time of day. If you have anything important to do, try to schedule it or get it done at the start. The earlier part of the week has been chaotic and unsettled, and the rest of the day is not much help. Hopefully the week will start getting better tomorrow. You might politely say Mercury has his wires crossed today. You might impolitely say he’s got his head up his ass. Either way, communications, meetings, and negotiations are likely to be messy. Do try to take the day’s affairs with a grain of salt, and try not to get into any egoistic hissy fits. No matter how right you may be, you may find yourself joining Mercury where the Sun don’t shine. Wait. At least until tomorrow, to say or do anything. This is one day to take Scarlett O’Hara’s advice to heart, “Tomorrow is another day.”

Thursday, September 22nd

No major aspects

The Moon enters Leo at 6:55pm and things begin turning for the better. Some of you, especially those with the Sun in Cancer, might think I’ve been bashing the sign lately. It isn’t me. It’s the planetary energies. Things are just really not swell for Cancers right now. There is just too much change and too many obstacles to really do anything constructive about them. Opportunities dart about like dragonflies, and with some of the most important circumstances in your life there is very little you can do. The best way to handle Cancer energy right now is to identify your most critical responsibilities and carry them out as best you can. Working on things this way will help you move in the right direction. It is a long slog, and a hard one for you folks, but there will be a reward in the end. As Neptune and Saturn move into Pisces and Scorpio respectively next year, your lives will start kicking into gear and start leaving your envied friends in the dust. Patience is not a virtue but a necessity for you now. Fortunately, you are one of the most patient signs of the zodiac.

Now for the rest of us…

Today should be a better day. The earlier part of the week may have felt like you were piloting a boat full of dynamite along the rapids of the Colorado River. Today you reach calmer waters. In the morning hours things begin to fall into place. If you have been good and held off from taking any action earlier in the week, now is the time to get moving again. Talk things over with others. Get others’ opinions and start to work on putting things together as you might like. Others can help! That’s the motto for today. The more you are able to bring others (even others who have nothing to do with the situation) together, the better things will flow today.

The evening hours are full of spunk, sparkle and energy. If you have places to go, people to see, and things to do, the energies are all in favor of having a good time.

Friday, September 23rd

Sun enters Libra at 2:05am

Mars trines Uranus at 4:25am

Merry Mabon!

Happy Autumnal Equinox!

Happy American Indian Day!

Happy Birthday Librans!

Today is Mabon, the Autumnal Equinox. Day and night are perfectly balanced, ushering in the energies of the sign of balance, Libra. Libra’s affairs are justice, balance and harmony, and may you find all of these things improve in your life!

The Mars-Uranus aspect should add a bit of sparkle and pizzazz to the day’s proceedings. Whatever it is you do today, you are likely to encounter those in a good mood, or at least better mood than usual. The late morning hours are beneficial for making progress toward your goals, particularly for those on the fixed cross, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. However, opportunity may knock on any door this afternoon, as either news, an unexpected find, or an individual from your network gives you the chance to obtain something you may have wanted. There is a decided sexiness to the air this evening, so if you have any kind of outing planned, put on your finest to be ready when the moment is right. As always, be respectful, and play safe!

Saturday, September 24th

No major aspects

Today should be a rather enjoyable Saturday. Sometimes our Saturdays get filled with chores, errands, and obligations, but today you should be able to put many of them aside and just enjoy yourself. Or what you do may just turn out to tickle your fancy anyway.

The Moon enters Virgo at 9:49pm and some of the enjoyable buzz of the last couple of days seems to escape into the ether like a balloon. Some may try to recoup some of that buzz with some mind-altering substances. Just be careful to do so responsibly! Yes, I can be a nag, but I’m entitled, my progressed Mid-Heaven is moving into Virgo. Speaking of which, if you are out and about this evening and happen to be among others, there is bound to be a sharp, critical, barbed tongue lying in wait coiled tightly inside a mouth eager to strike their intended target like a frog nabbing a fly. Saturday nights and Virgos just do that. So, if that be the case, pay those words little heed as they are far more a flection of the speaker than their intended recipient. You have been warned!

Wishing you all a wonderful week!



Moon September 23 – 25 before sunrise

Courtesy of Sky & Telescope magaznie

The Key

The planets move and twirl around the zodiac, and as they do they form
various relationships with each other.  These relationships are called
ASPECTS.  The distance between the two planets determines the nature of
the aspect between them, and this reveals how well those two planets are
getting along.

To help you follow along, I have included two charts for the Sundays at the
beginning and end of each week, so you can see the movements of the planets.
You can find each planet in the charts below and in the legend to the right
that gives their exact position.

The Signs:

Aries –  Quick, daring, adventurous; self-assertive, leadership,
ambitious; forceful

Taurus – Practical, nature-loving; tenacious, perseverance; loves

Gemini – Intellectual; dual; curious, creative, talkative; restless, highly

Cancer – Emotional, nurturing, empathetic; sentimental, protective, romantic

Leo – Dramatic, poised, confident; proud, dignified, ambitious; colorful,

Virgo – Service-minded, fussy, critical, shrewd, logical, discriminating,

Libra – Refined, peace-minded, level-headed, perceptive, generous,

Scorpio – Intense, secretive, strong-willed, forceful, courageous, keen

Sagittarius – Expansive, optimistic, mutable, philosophical, outspoken,
loves outdoors

Capricorn – Honest, practical, business-like, careful, dependable,
responsible, dutiful

Aquarius — Original, strong willed, quick, intellectual, progressive,

Pisces — Ultra-sensitive, self-sacrificing, worriers, obliging, dreamy,

The Planets

Sun – The self; one’s ego; the matter at hand; the center, tipping point; is

Moon – Our emotions, personality; changeable, reflective, responsive; is

Mercury – Intelligence, commerce, computers, networks, communications

Venus –  Relationships, romance, attraction, charisma, symbolic of

Mars – The energizer bunny, aggression, movement, strife, symbolic of men

Jupiter – Expansion, law, religion, publishing, optimistic, growing, fortune

Saturn – Contraction, discipline, institutions, conservative, practical,
focused, fate

Chiron – Wounded healer, new beginnings, bridge between lessons and

Uranus – Revolution, progressive, technology, science, chaos theory

Neptune – Religion, drugs, alcohol, dreams, meditation, spirituality

Pluto – Power, the depths, transformation, invisible forces, cleansing

(North) Node – Connections, networks, associations, alliances


The Aspects

Conjunction (yellow dot) – 0 degrees separation; like two planets having a
meeting or business lunch

Semi-Sextile (short gray line) – 30 degrees; like two planets having a
conversation at the water cooler

Semi-square (magenta line) – 45 degrees; like two planets having an argument

Sextile (cyan line) – 60 degrees; like two planets out on a date

Quintile (yellow line) – 72 degrees; like two planets expressing themselves

Square (red line) – 90 degrees; like two planets headed toward divorce court

Trine (green line) – 120 degrees; like two planets on a romantic vacation

Sesquiquadrate (long purple line) – 135 degrees; redux of the same argument
as the Semi-Square

Quincunx – (long deep cyan line) – 150 degrees; like a boss passing their
administrative assistant in the hallway, can be good or bad depending on the

Opposition (long blue line) – 180 degrees; like two planets in a formalized,
highly structured debate.

Astro chart for beginning of week 9/18/11

Chart for September 18, 2011

Astro chart for end of week 9/25/11


Chart for September 25, 2011