Posts tagged ‘mercury in sagittarius’

The Flow! Week of October 30 – November 5, 2011

The Flow is a weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, and how best to use them.   It is intended for those with little to no knowledge of astrology. 

For newcomers, the idea is to consider celestial influences as part of a larger whole, or Flow, must as our weather is influenced by the winds aloft.  All too often, astrologers tend to write about astrological events as if each were an isolated specimen as if pulled out of the sky and analyzed by itself – and there is no dearth of astrological sites on the net that write that way.  Here, it is the movement and interactions that are important and form the basis of discussion.

If any of the material is unclear or unfamiliar to you, it is probably unfamiliar to others as well, please leave a comment and I will be glad to answer your questions. 

If you like what you see, please share it with friends!  If you would like to get email notifications for when The Flow! is updated, or have a private question please email me at  Thank you!

The Flow! is updated every Sunday.

Please note: all times are in the Pacific Timezone.

This week’s synopsis: Sacred Geometry I

Usually, each week’s synopsis is a brief description of what the major astrological focus is likely to be. This week, we take a departure from that format to help answer the perennial question, “What’d he say?”

As in, “Gee, Bill, I love your blog but sometimes find it difficult to follow.”

Every week I publish The Key, a sort of quick and easy reference sheet to help you understand some of the terminology and provide clues to where I get the inspiration for what I write. But perhaps something a bit more dynamically oriented might be helpful. So, with that thought in mind, let’s see if we can make things a bit easier.

Astrology is the study of the relationship between any individual being and the greater celestial environment in which it exists.

That’s a mouthful, but it’s a powerful mouthful. It makes no claims about the nature of the mechanism through which it works, because except for some foggy notions we really don’t know yet. It would be nice if we knew, but our understanding of the universe is not yet developed enough to understand how it works. You don’t need a degree in nuclear thermodynamics to know that if you put your hand on a hot stove, it will get burned. Or a Ph.D. in biology to understand that the sun helps plants to grow.

Some day we’ll get there, but not yet.

In the meantime, while we’re waiting for the human brain to evolve, we must do with theories, principles, and techniques, concepts that can be used as a framework for astrological study.

Many people believe that the concepts behind astrology are complicated. But they’re not, not really. In fact, they’re mostly astoundingly simple. It’s just that usually there are a few of them that need to be considered at the same time. So in many ways, astrology is a bit like a sentence. Sometimes a sentence is one word and simple to understand, and sometimes a sentence can have lots of words and be complicated.

Is it Dr. Seuss, or Shakespeare?

A lot depends on the context, and what you’re looking at. But, even in the most complicated sentences insight and meaning can gained from knowing the meaning of the individual words. Context comes when the whole sentence is understood.

One of the most important sentence building concepts of astrology is the idea of aspects. Aspects describe the relationship between two or more planets as they move about the zodiac.

Think of each planet out there in the sky emanating waves or rays of light to each other. The distance between any two of them is called an aspect and the particular distance as measured in degrees from one to the other gives the aspect its meaning.

And, since astrologers usually project the planets in the sky against the great circle of the zodiac, these particular distances are much like what happens when you divide a circle up into pieces in some rather common ways. But each common way has a deep and profound meaning based on millennia of wisdom and study of astrology, numerology, and other such disciplines. The aspect names may be confusing, as they generally derive from Latin, but once you begin using them, they’ll become as familiar as an order at Starbucks.

There is some basic math involved, but it’s pretty basic. A circle is 360° around, and each major aspect divides it perfectly into equal portions. There are minor aspects that twist the math a bit, but today we’re sticking with the basics.

So let’s get started. The first aspect is what happens when you divide the circle by 1. Since any number divided by one equals itself, the division by 1 is what you get when two planets are in the same place in the zodiac.

This aspect is called a conjunction, from the Latin “to join or bind together.”  And essentially means a joining or combing of the two planetary energies into one meaning. If Mercury (communication) and Venus (love) are conjunct, you would expect some lovely communications, or at least some kind words here and there.

When you divide the circle in two, you get a straight line, each 180° away from the other, and these planets are said to be in opposition. But opposition doesn’t have to be a synonym for fighting. It is more like the yin-yang symbol in which there is a dynamic duality between the two planets involved that complement each other and only fight when provoked by over-emphasizing one side over the other.

For example, if Jupiter (opportunity, expansion) is opposed to Saturn (responsibilities, diligence), a complementary opposition would mean a responsible expansion of economic opportunities performed diligently. However, they begin to fight and oppose each other if we either try to expand recklessly, or too cautiously and timidly.

Divide the circle by three (360/3 = 120°) and you get a perfect triangle within it, and the aspect is called a trine. As a symbol of harmony, balance, and ease of the flow of energies between the two planets, the aspect is considered beneficial. When two planets are trine to each other, it is like they’re out on a date – they make nice cooing sounds to each other, and sometimes create a blessed event. When Mars (passion) and Venus (love, attraction) are trine, we are easily drawn to those things we are passionate about, and similarly find our love interests more passionate. It takes little imagination to identify the blessed event these two can conjure together.

When you divide the circle by four (360/4 = 90°), you square the circle. It is a symbol of rigidity, disharmony, and challenge. Some astrologers worship the trine, and fear the square. But while the square can be difficult, it can also be the pathway out of a difficult stagnant situation. In fact, that is typically how squares operate. First comes the challenge, and then pathway through it.

Take for example a square between Uranus (ingenuity, liberation, change) and Saturn (stability, responsibility, diligence). The first pass from this aspect might cause some major shakeups with our responsibilities that could jeopardize our stability. But then as we work with the aspect, we find that the true reason for the shakeup was that our responsibilities were choking off growth, so we develop an ingenious plan to change them and when all is said and done, thank little ol’ Uranus for stopping on by to helping to break us free.

Next on the list is the number five (360/5 = 72°) which gives us the aspect called the quintile from Latin for one fifth, and while many traditionalists don’t use the aspect, it is very insightful. Five is the number of conscious awareness, intelligence, adaptability, and resourcefulness. It often indicates creative gifts and solutions to difficult problems. The  Sun (self) quintile Jupiter (opportunity, expansion, growth) in a natal chart is often the signature of financial advisor or someone who is very good handling their financial resources.

Last on today’s tour is the number six (360/6 = 60°) created aspect called the sextile. No, it doesn’t indicate prowess in bed, but is the more prosaic Latin for one sixth. The sextile is actually half of a trine, and many astrologers actually consider it as a somewhat lesser benefic. However, that misses the specifics of what the sextile has to offer. The number six is concerned with relation and its purpose is to enhance the ability of the two planets to work together. Frequently this occurs as an opportunity or new life path to explore, but the light of the path is an opportunity to understand the power of harnessing the potential of both planets in a new and better way.

For example, Mars (passion, energy, ambition) sextile Saturn (discipline, responsibility, structure, stability) can indicate a time to begin an exercise regimen, practice learning a new technique, find a new way to fulfill one’s ambitions, or enhance the stability of one’s financial situation.

Now maybe you can begin writing your own Skywatcher reports, or at least get more out of this one!

In all seriousness, the big takeaway should be in how the study of astrology is related to many other disciplines, psychology, sociology, astronomy, numerology, geometry, and biology and they tie together into one organic whole. It doesn’t matter how you come by the light, but that it be there if you search for it.

Merry Samhain and Happy Halloween!

Samhain (pronounced Sow-in) is the official Gaelic/Pagan/Wiccan New Year’s holiday that spawned the now secular holiday of Halloween.  Roughly translated, Samhain means “summer’s end” and was the festival to mark the end of the summer or “light” half of the year, and the beginning of the winter and “dark” half.  With the imposition of Christianity on the Scots and Irish, the Christian holiday “All Saints Day” occurring on November 1st fused with the pagan traditions of Samhain and became “Halloween”, a shortening of “All Hallow’s Eve.”

By late October, the bounty of nature’s annual cycle is dead or dying.  The fruit on the trees have ripened and many are losing their leaves, destined soon to become bare skeletal remains of their former glory.  The vegetables have been harvested, and the plants that bore them have turned brittle, brown, and bereft of life.  Hunting became scarce as the animals burrowed to hibernate, or took flight for warmer climes.

The Sun never rises much beyond the lower half of the sky, so that its light and warmth feels feeble.  The very winds grow strong and cold, and reach out with frigid fingers of “death” with every blast and breeze.

And as any witch or student of nature knows, the times between an ending and beginning are special, magickal times.  They are known as liminal, or threshold times, and they are times when the borders between worlds grows faint, dim, and porous.

Samhain then, became a time in which the border between the worlds of the living and the dead can be crossed.  To placate the spirits of the dead, people would dress in costume to convince or frighten them into returning to their own world and not trouble the world of the living.  Rituals and festivals would be held to celebrate the end of one part of the year and usher in the new.  And, because Samhain was one of, if not the, foremost holidays of the year, it served as the marker for the New Year.

We are all familiar with the secular commercialization of Halloween, for which Americans are projected to increase spending by almost 20% this year.  But as a Pagan holiday, Samhain has become a day of remembrance to honor the spirits and memories of departed loved ones, and can be a moving, rewarding, and rejuvenating occasion.  In the years to come, if you ever have the opportunity to attend a public Samhain ritual, you will have an opportunity to experience the real magick of the holiday.

On to the Daily Details!

Sunday, October 30th

No major aspects

The Moon enters Capricorn at 9:39am, putting the kibosh on the high-flying, high-spirited fun of the yesteryore of yesterday. Yesterday’s Sagittarian Moon aided the merriment, combustibility, and friendliness of any social event. Today, we take a more solemn and somber turn. Gone is the frivolity. Yes, we will still have fun this Samhain/Halloween, but we’re going to be serious about having it!

Other than the scattered energies around noon-time, the astrological flow is fairly smooth. As evening approaches there’s a bit of a lucky turn of events. Something that you’ve been concerned about may suddenly become less worrisome, particularly if you communicate your feelings to others. There just might be a magick solution after all, if you put your mind to finding it. As the day ends, we’re feeling more secure and optimistic about things. Could relief be in sight?

Monday, October 31

Venus squares Neptune at 2:21pm

Merry Samhain and Happy Halloween!

There’s a bit of hazy confusion that hovers over the air like a mist through much of the day. Good for sneaking up on ghouls and ghosts and other creepy crawly things that go bump in the night. This air of uncertainty seems to affect our emotional relationships the most, casting doubt on our standing within them, their value, and whether we are on the right course with them. It’s a definite, “I’m OK, but not too sure about you” kind of day. We question others’ motives and wonder why they do or say the things they do. If you do find yourself in emotional quicksand today, just wait a couple of days. After Mercury and Venus enter Sagittarius things should become much unambiguous, and your course of action more clear. On the business front, any achievements and successes you make today should be good for the long-term and help you further your career goals.

Tuesday, November 1st

Mercury square Neptune at 1:39am

Happy All Saints Day! If you meet a saint, buy them a cup of coffee!

The day begins and ends with a bump, but what lies in the middle is fairly smooth sailing. Very early in the morning, our responsibilities, roles, and duties worry us. We begin to wonder if we’re up to the job, and are concerned that circumstances might get the better of us. Too, we seem easily lost within our own thoughts, so that what might have been a mere moment’s doubt becomes a much larger crisis of self-confidence. Try to go easy on yourself and not take things so hard. Later this afternoon at 3:08pm when the Moon enters Aquarius, the mental fog will lift and you’ll be much better at constructing a positive course of action. Until then, don’t let your emotions get the better of you! Around noontime, don’t be surprised if some good news alleviates a worry or concern. Many of us are feeling more in the mood to do something nice for each other, which has the added side effect of lots of people having something unexpectedly nice happen to them! Later in the evening we’re in the mood to indulge. Considering all the stress you’ve been under, who can blame you? Just don’t go overboard, unless you’re willing to spend all day tomorrow recovering!

Wednesday, November 2nd

Venus enters Sagittarius at 1:51am

Mercury enters Sagittarius at 9:54am

The Moon is in Aquarius all day (insert song from Hair here). Venus and Mercury entering Sagittarius gives us an early boost to begin enjoying the holiday season. Venus definitely does a better job in Sag than Mercury, as she feels liberated to explore the cornucopia of possibilities life on Earth offers. Merc in Sag just kind of gets lost…or drunk. There’s nothing particularly wrong  with Mercury in Sagittarius, it’s just that Mercury needs focus, and Sagittarius has about as much focus as a hippie commune.

Although the morning hours may be a bit sketchy, on the whole the day should also give a boost to our more humanitarian, liberal, social side as we can better sense the manner in which we are all interconnected and in many ways dependent upon each other. Not that this means there’s going to be a significant shift in public opinion…yet, although we may see some softening around the edges. But it may give pause to many with ham-fisted political opinions that maybe not all of them are as correct as they assumed.

Thursday, November 3rd

Venus trine Uranus at 12:55am

Mercury trine Uranus at 6:59am

The thrill of adventure is strong. We have a very strong need to be out in the world exploring interesting possibilities, but even more significantly, we want to be out there being involved in what we care about most. We want to make some contribution to help make things better, and we want to be free of some of the restrictions we’ve been living under. (insert Young Rascals song “People Got to be Free.”) We may feel a bit frustrated about what exactly it is we want to do, but the impulse to do something is strong. And the more we act on that, the better we will feel.

In other matters, some business issues may resolve themselves (or you may do the resolving) in the latter part of the morning. Delays and obstacles may be norm in the evening rush hour, so if you have some place to be after work hours, give yourself plenty of time to get there if you don’t want to be late.

Friday, November 4th

No major aspects

The Moon enters Pisces at 12:18am and we calm down just a bit. The early morning hours may have us frazzled, dazed and confused, but as morning progresses we look back on the week with a smile. We should have made good progress toward our goals, and for understanding our path to success. The morning hours are particularly good for finances. If there’s a big ticket item you’ve been searching for, you just might find what you’re looking for this morning. Today and tomorrow our imaginations and creativity are at their peak, so if there is a project you have been working on that could either, spending some time with it could produce some significant results.

Saturday, November 5th

No major aspects

We have been in a pattern of delightful Saturdays since early September. That configuration is still intact this week, but shifts next, so enjoy this one because it is the last for a while! Today is great for R & R, long sleep-ins, taking a nice long soak, catching up on TV or movies, or just hanging around and playing foot hockey with dust bunnies. There are no onerous obligations, and what obligations we do have are pleasant and easily managed. If you’re planning an event for today, people should be in an intimate, relaxed, and comfortable mood. People are a bit more open, willing to share, and willing to care than usual. A good time should be had by all. Enjoy!

Wishing you all a wonderful week!



The Flow! Week of December 12 – 19, 2010

The Flow is a weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, and how best to use them.   It is intended for those with little knowledge of astrology. 

For newcomers, the idea is to consider celestial influences as part of a larger whole, or the Flow.  All too often, astrologers tend to write about astrological events as if each were an isolated specimen as if pulled out of the sky and analyzed by itself – and there is no dearth of astrological sites on the net that write that way.  Here, it is the movement and interactions that are important and form the basis of discussion.

If any of the material is unclear or unfamiliar to you, it is probably unfamiliar to others as well, please leave a comment and I will be glad to answer your questions. 

If you like what you see, please share it with friends!  If you would like to get email notifications for when The Flow! is updated, or have a private question please email me at  Thank you!

The Flow! is updated every Sunday.

Please note: all times are in the Pacific Timezone.

This week’s synopsis: On Edge

Take a look at either chart below, and you’ll see that the majority of planets are sitting on the edge of a sign.

Pluto, the North Node, Mars and Mercury are at the starting edge of Capricorn

Neptune and Chiron are at the end of Aquarius

Uranus and Jupiter are at the end of Pisces

Venus is at the beginning of Scorpio

The Sun is wending its way through the end of Sagittarius

And during the week the Moon races from the beginning of Pisces and onward through to the middle of Gemini.

Do we need any more reason to understand why everyone is so edgy?  We’re all boogying the dance of our lives as if we were doing so around pools of quicksand.

It’s exciting, and sure to be memorable.  But it isn’t a whole lot of fun.

Our politics is in chaos.  Our economy is in shambles.  Our culture is in free-fall.  And our leaders are all wearing clown suits riding unicycles of inanity in this circus.

And many of us in our personal lives are dealing with extremely deep and troublesome issues.

We are all undergoing an immense transformation, and transformations are rarely easy.

But in the meantime, what we have is general chaos and confusion, and there is plenty of planetary blame to go around.

Pluto, planet of transformation is in Capricorn, the sign of government and large institutions.  It is very close to where it was in 1763.  In February of 1763, Britain and France signed the treaty of Paris ending the French and Indian/Seven Years’ War.  And then in October, after the American colonists had fought for British hegemony and threw the French off of most of the continent, King George III says to the colonists, “uh-uh, you can’t go there, nyeah, nyeah!”  This did not do much to engender British warm and fuzzies, and was one of the first acts that would eventually lead to American Independence.

Neptune, planet of religion, spirituality, and belief is in Aquarius, the sign of technology, humanity, and popular concepts.  It is very close to where it was in 1847.  1847 may not be discussed much in history classes, but 1848 (when Neptune entered Pisces) sure is!  In 1848 the Mexican-American War ended, giving the US much of the southwest, just in time for the California Gold Rush (and the state of California!)  The Seneca Falls convention in July puts women’s rights in the forefront, and revolutions swept Italy, Hungary, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Denmark, Poland, Germany, and Brazil.     

Uranus, planet of revolutions, change, and higher cosmic orders, is in Pisces, the sign of sympathy, sacrifice, and spirit.  It is very close to where it was in 1927, 1843, and 1759, are all seminal times that preceded great cultural upheavals and changes in people’s lives in later years when Uranus exited Pisces and entered Aries.  In 1927 we had the Jazz Singer and the BBC is granted a charter; Bell Telephone transmits the first television signal; Charles Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic and Pan American airways has its inaugural flight; and Gandhi, Trotsky, and Virginia Woolf all immersed in events that would drastically shape not only their lives, but many lives throughout the world.  And throughout the ‘20’s, far right meshugas was spreading all over Europe.

So is it no wonder we’re all a little bit on edge?

But where does that leave us as a culture, a people, or a planet?

Pluto’s passage through Capricorn is unlikely to leave contemporary governmental systems unscathed.  The last time Pluto was there we saw the rise of representative constitutional democracy.  We seem to be moving in the direction of greater participation of people in politics with a bewildering array of polls and propositions. 

Neptune’s entrance into Pisces has me just a teensy bit concerned.  Neptune “rules” Pisces, which is to mean that not only does its energies synch with Pisces very easily, but it the sign in which it is the most powerful.  Neptune can be wonderful for spiritual rebirth, awakenings, and transformations.  It did perform that was the last time it was in Pisces, when it gave rise to the Spiritist movement, the Rosicrucians, Theosophy, and the Golden Dawn.  But it is also a time when people, masses of people, tend to put belief ahead of reason.  And that can be a very, very, very dangerous time, especially for those who wish to keep a good head on their shoulders!

As for Uranus, we are due for a cultural change.  With the proliferation of social media and the internet, we are in the birthing stages of an immense new ability for people to be and remain in contact with each other.  It is virtually certain that new forms of entertainment will arise from this foment of new invention, and that it will drastically alter people’s lives.  It already is, as we are in every increasing danger of losing a very precious human commodity – privacy!

Stay tuned for future details as 2011 is destined to be a very interesting year!  The December 26th issue of the Flow will be dedicated to what the year looks like for each of the signs.  You won’t want to miss it!

For now, however, to the Daily Details!

Sunday, December 12th

No major aspects

Today is about as lovely a day as we’re likely to get this holiday season, so enjoy it for all it’s worth!  Get out and enjoy the spirit!  The Moon is in Pisces all day and in good harmony with Venus, planet of love and other fine affections.  It is a wonderful day to take the edge off the more wide-spread buzz and paint it in soft hues and pastels.  Sunday is good for being among others, out shopping, going to the movies, or just kicking back at home staring out the window enjoying your favorite beverage.  It is also a good day for communicating your feelings, as whatever it is you have to say will be understood easily and in the manner in which it was intended.  Even our vociferous and obstreperous politicians will be a bit more soft-spoken on the morning shows today!

Monday, December 13th

Mercury conjunct Pluto at 8:09pm

Mercury conjunct Mars at 8:10pm

Mars conjunct Pluto at 8:13pm

My friends, we have one tight-ass configuration today with Mars edging up on Pluto and Mercury rushing past both of them all within minutes of each other, and the North Node close enough to be thrown into the mix.  Talk about two days of opposite energies!  Unlike yesterday, today is filled with sharp words, aggressive attitudes, and brusque actions.  Triple aspects like this are rare, and this one is power-packed with trouble, and that’s trouble with a capital T.  Mars and Mercury meet up with each other all the time, and Mars to Pluto aspects are not all that uncommon either.  But all three of them at once is a bit much, and that’s where the trouble might come in to play.  Be careful of what you say today, because your words may have ramifications that you neither mean nor intend.  Leave no fires burning for any reason, and try to finish whatever comes up during the day, because lingering events may wind up causing havoc in the weeks to come.  I will be very surprised if our leaders behave as they should, since the aspect occurs in Capricorn, the sign of authority, government, politics, and institutions.  Watch your step and make no quick moves, at least until Wednesday when this energy dissipates, as unanticipated movements of all kinds are likely to be misinterpreted at this time. 

Tuesday, December 14th

No major aspects

Today we mostly have the after-effects of yesterday.  To top off all of yesterday’s charged energies the Moon enters Aries casting nasty square-stares at Mercury, Mars, and Pluto.  The Aries Moon does not lend itself to sitting back and going with the crowd like yesterday’s advice recommended, so today you’ll really have to judge carefully what action you want to take considering yesterday’s events.  Chances are, you are going to want to take action that is direct, simple, and cuts to the chase.  You are not likely to be much in the mood for compromise, and if you have grievances, you feel they need to be aired.  By all means express yourself (it is going to be a hard day for restraint!) but remember that others are feeling equally combative, and that you may start something that will need to be settled via other means.  Try to think ahead, try to think strategically, and above all, try to keep your thoughts focused.  Doing these things, will help you take advantage of today’s energies and help you succeed where you may have failed in the past.

Wednesday, December 15th

No major aspects

The Moon is still in Aries and in the morning is ticks off Saturn, so we are sluggish, tired, and sick and tired of all the bull.  We are really ready to board the nearest spaceship off this crazy befuddled planet and go someplace where things make more sense.  Lotsa luck!  We’re stuck, and if you can make it through the morning, we’re rewarded with a lift of the spirits in the afternoon and evening.  The worm turns, so to speak, and we feel more energetic, capable, and optimistic than we have over the past few days.  Perhaps there’s hope for Earth after all!

Thursday, December 16th

Sun squares Jupiter at 1:47pm

We’re in a much better mood as the week draws to a close, and it’s no surprise that part of the reason is the Moon entering Taurus at 10:49am.  The earlier week’s zaniness is but a lingering Ghost of Weekday’s Past, and we’re more than ready to move on.  If any action plans were hatched earlier in the week, you may have some concrete results to show for them today.  Keep nurturing them, and they may become your yellow-brick road.  For all of us, today is not a good day for shopping, as we’re liable to spend more than is wise, or make purchases that are not in our best interests with that Sun-Jupiter square.  Ease up a bit on your expectations, as this is definitely an aspect that emphasizes wants over means.  Similarly, you may want to skip the second helping of chocolate truffles at the holiday party, as calories gained under this aspect have a tendency to make you physically resemble the planet Jupiter.

Friday, December 17th

No major aspects

The Moon remains in Taurus all day, and our attention turns to our resources.  We apt today to focus on what we don’t have rather that what we do, but they are less likely to cause an idle funk than to help you develop a plan to better your financial situation.  If you are out about holiday shopping, your eye will be drawn to the practical, sensible, and useful, as opposed to that flashy LED moose hat you saw when the Moon was in Aries. And you’re also likely to find it at a better price.  The weekend before the holiday is upon us, and that puts us in a good mood no mater what we are up to.  If there’s a party or event on your calendar this weekend, enjoy!

Saturday, December 18th

Sun sextile Neptune at 2:31am

Mercury enters Sagittarius at 6:55am

Sun squares Uranus at 10:49am

The Moon enters Gemini at 7:37pm, so if you have a party to go to in the evening, the pace will pick up as the Moon gets closer to the sign of gab, chat, and gossip.  I love Gemini and have Venus and Jupiter there myself, but it’s just that you can zap them with a taser and they barely flinch, but keeping one quiet is beyond the labor of Hercules.  That combined with Mercury entering Sagittarius (party sign!) and the Sun squaring Uranus should add extra sparkle to any beverage you prefer and the topic of conversation.  Even if you don’t have anyone on your dance card tonight, there’s entertainment galore wherever you happen to be, with whomever you happen to be there with!

The week ends with a bit of a sparkler, and ushers in a new period of astrological activity.  We’ve been in a bit of a lull as far as astrological energies go, and that has created considerable doubt, stagnation, and extra work to get things accomplished.  Things begin to turn around next week and the next couple of editions of The Flow will be devoted to explaining it all in more detail. 

Next week’s edition will be devoted to a discussion of Capricorn, Yule, and Christmas.

The December 26th edition, will be devoted to a discussion of 2011 for each of the signs.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!


The Flow! Week of November 7 – 14, 2010

The Flow is a weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, and how best to use them.   It is intended for those with little knowledge of astrology.

For newcomers, the idea is to consider celestial influences as part of a larger whole, or the Flow.  All too often, astrologers tend to write about astrological events as if each were an isolated specimen as if pulled out of the sky and analyzed by itself – and there is no dearth of astrological sites on the net that write that way.  Here, it is the movement and interactions that are important and form the basis of discussion.

If any of the material is unclear or unfamiliar to you, it is probably unfamiliar to others as well, please leave a comment and I will be glad to answer your questions.

If you like what you see, please share it with friends!  If you would like to get email notifications for when The Flow! is updated, or have a private question please email me at  Thank you!

The Flow! is updated every Sunday.

Please note: all times are in the Pacific Timezone.

This week’s synopsis: Humdrum thrum

OK, so this week isn’t exactly slated to be the most exciting astrological week in the book, as there isn’t a single major aspect all week.  But that doesn’t mean that nothing is going on, and sometimes a whole lot of nothin’ can be somethin’.

We’re in the aftermath of the US mid-term election, and pundits hither and yon are trying their darnedest to practice reality creation through the spoken word.  “The Democrats are utterly doomed!”  “The GOP like a phoenix has risen from the ashes!”  Ah, if only life were truly so simple, and politics were a bit more magickal.  Can you imagine if Boehner and Pelosi were real magicians?  We’d literally have a House of Toads and Frogs.  Not that for the most part we don’t already…

In the Sports Team Hypothesis of Politics, the Democrats were the losers.  I believe President Obama called it a “shellacking.”  Other verbal parts of speech also come to mind.

But in real terms, about what it all actually means, much is very much up in the air.  Progressives are ominously quiescent.  I am hoping it is because the planet of progressivism, Uranus, is in the quiescent sign of Pisces.  And if this holds true, mark your calendars for March 11, 2011, for that is when Uranus will enter the militant sign of  Aries and progressives learn how to wield political pitchforks.  It won’t happen overnight, as Uranus will need time to dry off after its sojourn in watery Pisces.  But Aries burns hot, and it knows how to light a fire.

In local news…

This week, on Monday, Mercury enters Sagittarius.  The mental and intellectual battles are over.  The wars of wills and words are done.  While true peace may still be several weeks away, we enter a time of truce.  As Mercury, planet of the mind, settles into Sagittarius, we dust ourselves off, commemorate our accomplishments, and sit back and figure out what it was all about.

The first half of Sagittarius is the part of the zodiac that is the aftermath of the battles fought and won in Scorpio.  It abstracts meaning from all the struggles and strife we have experienced and uses those abstractions to develop useful principles to use in future situations.

If, for example, you are in the middle of a war of wills because of harsh words spoken to a partner or loved one, you now have a better idea of what should or should not be said, and of lines that should not be crossed.  You may also come out of this with a better understanding of your own nature, and the nature of any allies or enemies on either side of the fence.  All very useful intelligence for the next occasion in which you must don your general’s helmet and lead your troops into battle!

On Sunday, Venus returns to Libra.  Remember, Venus is still retrograde for another week, and we are still very much in the process of re-evaluating important parts of our lives.  For some, we have come to a new appreciation of our loved ones, careers, or responsibilities.  For others, it has been a time of ending pain, saying goodbye, and cutting strings in order to move on and start life anew.

For all of us, there is an inner seed of rebirth that is struggling to grow within, born of recent struggles and trials.  It is small and needs nourishment, but is hardy and more resilient than you might suppose.  All it really needs is a bit of attention and a willingness on your part to do what is necessary to make renewal possible.  Think for a moment of where that renewal might take you, and if you can shine a beam of a little love for that toward your inner seed, it is just the right nourishment for now.

Both Venus and Jupiter go direct in motion next Thursday, November 18th, so by that time, we should have a much firmer grasp on the value people, places, and things have in our lives.

Daylight Savings Time ends as we begin this week, so I hope you have all turned your clocks back to Standard Time!  You’ll be extra early for work on Monday if you don’t!

To the Daily Details!

Sunday, November 7th

Venus re-enters Libra (retrograde) at 7:07pm

The Moon enters Sagittarius very early this morning, at 1:27am and lightens the load immensely.  We have just been through the heady and powerful time of Samhain, which was followed last Friday by Hecate’s New Moon in Scorpio.  We have been through the fires, we have been through the veils, and we are changed by it all.  Subtly, perhaps, but changed nonetheless.  Our struggles have not been without some progress on the personal front, and whether small or great, that progress is real.

This, then, is a time of rest.  A time to appreciate your accomplishments, your gifts, and the gift of life itself.  Enjoy!

Monday, November 8th

Mercury enters Sagittarius at 3:43pm

The week begins with lots of unfinished business.  Our responsibilities are clear, and so is what is needed to handle them.

There’s a very strong emphasis on our selves this Monday.  We are all about us.  It is a good day for working alone and accomplishing whatever tasks need to get done.  And the more you need to work with others, the more you may find yourself getting bogged down in details, being delayed, and becoming increasingly frustrated.  If you must work with others, try to understand their perspective and point of view, as it will help you figure out what needs to be done to move forward and get moving again.

The energies of the evening are a bit haphazard.  On the one hand, there’s a dreamy almost magickal feeling in the air, but it is very nebulous and not easily directed.  It’s as if our moods have become will o’ the wisps dancing just ever so far outside our grasp.

It’s not a good night for going shopping or making large expenditures, as you’re apt to sign up for more than you might reasonably want to handle.  But it is a good night for kicking back and reading a good book, meditating or doing journey work, watching TV or a good movie, or doing any kind of role playing activity – as projecting yourself into other places or times may prove refreshing, revitalizing and rejuvenating.

Tuesday, November 9th

No major aspects.

The Moon enters Capricorn at 5:36am just in time to sober us up for heading into the office.  Last night’s dreams of football glory, Farmville, or Kings of Chaos fade to memory, and we need to focus all of our energies into our tasks and projects at hand.  Fortunately, people seem to be in a good mood, and there is a general feeling of cooperativeness that makes meetings and joint ventures more successful than usual.  This afternoon’s conjunction of the Moon and Pluto provides extra fortitude for delving into issues and problems as deeply as it takes to solve them, no matter how messy or complicated they may seem.  It’s a good time to put on your miner’s hat and go digging for some elusive intellectual gold!

Wednesday, November 10th

No major aspects.

The first and second halves of the day couldn’t be more different than, well, day and night.  The morning is likely to be difficult, stressful, obstructive, annoying, and fraught with delays, frustrations, and unexpected chores, obligations, and responsibilities.  Blech!  Best to call in sick and hide under the covers until noon!  And if you ARE at work, be wary of playing on the internet from your cube.  Just while you’re likely to be totally engrossed in that game, poof!, your boss is likely to materialize out of nowhere.  Don’t say you weren’t warned!

The second half of the day is filled with sunshine, smiling faces, streets lined with roses, and people feeling optimistic, confident, and self-assured.

Thursday, November 11th

No major aspects

Happy Veterans Day!

The Moon enters Aquarius at 2:32pm

Before the Moon enters Aquarius today, it goes “void of course,” meaning it makes no major aspects in the last part of the sign it’s in (in this case Capricorn), before entering the next (Aquarius.)  Capricorn “void of course” periods generally are not conducive to things like work, responsibilities, or other behaviors on the “good” side of the spectrum.  We’re apt to feel lazy, cranky, willful, and willing to tempt fate.  All of which can lead to no good and into the land of Trouble That Could Have Been Avoided.  If your hands, feet, or tongue start feeling itchy for something naughty, confine them for the time being as best you can.  After the Moon enters Aquarius, you’re free to move about as you wish as your guardian angels will then be able to move more quickly than any itchy appendages and preempt more dangerous behavior.

Friday, November 12th

No major aspects

This Friday is apt to be a considerable improvement over some others we’ve had lately.  Our hearts and minds are in alignment, so our thoughts are appropriate to the moment and we say just the right thing to just the right people.  We feel energies and ready for action (or the weekend) and whatever we try to do goes fairly smoothly.  And we are more diligent and thoughtful in our work, and relatively free of unexpected obstructions and obstacles.  If this holds true, is a recipe for a day in paradise!

Saturday, November 13th

No major aspects

The Moon remains in Aquarius the rest of the day, so the sparkling effervescent energies we’ve been experiencing will continue till early Sunday morning.  Saturday morning is likely to be a bit difficult, as everyone seems to be reading from a different memo and no one wants to go with the program.  Still, while this might normally create friction and generate hostile words, most of us are more than willing to let it all slough off our backs.  Why start trouble over nothing?  No one is in the mood for volcanic flashes of anger, least of all on the receiving end.  Take the morning in stride, and you’ll be rewarded in the evening with a pleasant surprise!

Wishing you all a wonderful week!