Posts tagged ‘mercury conjunct pluto’

The Flow! Week of January 8 – 14, 2012

The Flow is a weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, and how best to use them.   It is intended for those with little knowledge of astrology. 

For newcomers, the idea is to consider celestial influences as part of a larger whole, or the Flow.  All too often, astrologers tend to write about astrological events as if each were an isolated specimen as if pulled out of the sky and analyzed by itself – and there is no dearth of astrological sites on the net that write that way.  Here, it is the movement and interactions that are important and form the basis of discussion.

If any of the material is unclear or unfamiliar to you, it is probably unfamiliar to others as well, please leave a comment and I will be glad to answer your questions. 

If you like what you see, please share it with friends!  If you would like to get email notifications for when The Flow! is updated, or have a private question please email me at  Thank you!

The Flow! is updated every Sunday.

Please note: all times are in the Pacific Timezone.


Synopsis for the week: Not Much Ado About

If you haven’t read last week’s blog, or if you just skimmed over it on your way to the Daily Details, please take a few minutes and check it out HERE. It basically encapsulates the primary energies of the moment, and provides considerable guidance for what we all need to be doing.

As far as all that’s concerned, not much has changed.

For example, have you all noticed that since Jupiter went direct, the economic picture looks promising?

There isn’t really all that much going on at the moment. We have a Full Moon Sunday night, and the emphasis for this Moon is on structure, especially those structures we use jointly with others.

The Moon falls in the Sabian sign symbol of “A Man with a square and a manuscript scroll before him.” He is the master architect and his job is to build the structures we use in our every day life.

Structures? You mean like roads and bridges, and houses and things?

Sort of, but not really, though it would be delightful if we could get some political action to help rebuild the infrastructure of this country. But I don’t have much hope in that regard, no matter what country you happen to reside in, no matter its politics.

More likely, the kind of structures this Full Moon is about are the structures around which we orient our lives. Career, loved ones, our families, and our social networks all weave intricate structures that bind us with obligations, duties, rewards, and benefits, and help provide us with the physical, mental, and spiritual sustenance we need to live.

And as the light of the Full Moon highlights those structures that mean most to us, we are called upon to recognize the degree to which they support us or support those around us. Neither is good or bad, right or wrong. We can be on the path of individual self-development, or we can be on a path to serve others. There is nothing to be gained by judging a path, unless the path you are on has become rocky, weedy, and difficult to traverse.

In which case, finding a new one should be at the top of your agenda.

Generally speaking, this Full Moon period, that lasts from Sunday the 8th through Thursday the 19th, is likely to shine on the structures in your life that are most in need of your attention. If you find yourself thinking that you just can’t take it anymore, chances are there is a structure in your life that needs to be rectified.

Finding what structure shouldn’t be difficult, it’s at the heart of whatever is bothering you. Finding how to rectify it is usually the challenge.

If you are a fire sign, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, then you need to think outside the box. You need to start doing things you might otherwise never think of doing on pain of death. Except that look, you’re already experiencing pain, so why not give something new a shot? Chances are, something in your daily routine, or the usual way you handle things is at fault. There is much less to lose here than you might think, except aggravation. Your mission: go out and conquer!

If you are an earth sign, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, you need to acknowledge your own personal power and stop fearing your own shadow. You have so much going for you that it is a shame for you to just waste it pining for better days. Yes, life has hit you in the stomach, and you’ve got quite a stomach ache, but not eating is not going to solve the problem. Just the opposite. You need to go out there and strut your stuff and show the world what you can do. Your mission: go out and have some fun!

If you are an air sign, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, you need to ask yourself whether you are basing your actions on facts or fantasies. Air signs can easily get lost in their own heads, and there is much that you think that you’ve convinced yourself is true that is due for a reality check. You folks can be the most objective in the zodiac, but when was the last time you held up your own beliefs to that famed objectivity? Your mission: reality check!

 If you are a water sign, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, you are in the midst of a significant healing period. Chances are, some aspect of this situation has caused you considerable consternation and concern lately. You need to let time heal your wounds. You need to let yourself receive some nurturing, sympathy, and support from others. Let them help you for a change. And then you need to move on with your life. Your mission: mourn and move on.

 There, now I’ve gone and offended most of my readers. But I’ve got to call it like I see it. The Full Moon often hits us emotionally, and the Full Moon of Cancer is likely to be the strongest of the year. If you do find yourself in emotional rough waters, I believe the above is your best path to calmer shores.

Otherwise, like I said, not much ado about anything. There’s a bit of movement with Mercury and Venus, but this is all just background set up for when Mars goes retrograde later this month.

Courtesy of Sky & Telescope magazine

On to the Daily Details!

Sunday, January 8th

Mercury trines Jupiter at 10:05am

Mercury squares Uranus at 3:24pm

Full Moon at 19° Cancer/Capricorn at 11:30pm

We start the week with relatively high spirits, and the spirits are high in the sky with the Full Moon in Cancer/Capricorn. For the most part, the calm soothing lunar energies of the Cancer Moon feel like a nice hot bath after shivering out in the cold. It has been a period of ups and downs for many of us, and the steady sympathetic and serene emanations from the Moon provide ample relief.

For those of you inclined not to be reclined horizontally, the mid-morning hours are expeditious for attending to chores, getting things done, and winding up any unfinished tasks from earlier in the week. It’s also great for attending to business in the form of paying bills. In the afternoon, we are likely to encounter the unexpected, or at least situations in which reality does not conform to our plans. No bother. Times like these are perfect for exercising those resourcefulness muscles.

Monday, January 9th

No major aspects

Unlike what you might expect, we’re chipper and (more or less) eager to begin the work week. We’re still getting back in full regalia after the holidays, and there’s plenty of energy around for getting back in the swing of things. Don’t be afraid of just digging in and tackling the most difficult jobs this morning, you’ll be glad you did!

Jupiter and Saturn are ostensibly still in opposition at opposite ends of the zodiac. Each month, as the Moon makes its journey around the zodiac, it twice hits the midpoint on each side. This evening is just one of those times. As evening descends, our optimism fades, worries increase, and we doubt we’re in as good a shape as we thought. Not to fret, these doubts will pass with the coming of the dawn. For some of us, there may be an obligation we let slip, or someone asks us to do something we’d rather not. For others of us, there may be something we sign or sign up for that may be too big for our britches, or take up too much time from our schedule. Be careful what you say “yes” to tonight!

Tuesday, January 10th

No major aspects

The Moon entered Leo last night at 8:35pm, and Leo Moon days are usually fun days. Too bad this month they occur in the middle of the week, still make the most of them that you can. Leo Moons generally make us more outgoing, friendly, and generous, and we feel more self-secure, outgoing, and optimistic. Perhaps not as much fun as when the Moon is in Sagittarius, but not a bad runner up at all.

In the morning hours, family members may require additional attention. Regardless of the relationship, people are likely to flit in and out of your sphere this morning, and for those that do, don’t take everything at face value. There may be more here than meets the eye or passes the nasal sniff test. Be on the lookout for flying B.S., and do what you can to keep your nose clean.

It may not be advisable to take a long lunch break today, as affairs may require quick attention this afternoon. Make sure you have your priorities in order, and handle the items on your agenda in turn. The afternoon is no time for a siesta, if you need recharging, best to do so after you get home!

Wednesday, January 11th

No major aspects

Today is a better day for receiving than giving, acting, or making a fuss. It is said good things come to those who wait, but it isn’t just a case of waiting, it’s a case of being out of step with the energies of the moment. Sometimes we must act and push and make things happen. Today is not such a time. Today is a time for letting things happen around you and taking it all in with your best demeanor, smile plastered on your face, om beams blaring from your forehead.

The real key to success today is marshaling your forces with allies, lining your ducks up in a row, and getting them on board with your view of the world. Together you may then go forth to pillage, conquest and victory when the time is propitious.  This task will be easier in the morning than evening hours. In the morning, people are enrollable and willing to listen, in the evening, people are more wrapped up in their own affairs and obtaining allies will be more akin to herding cats.

Thursday, January 12th

Sun trine Mars at 8:46pm

The Moon enters Virgo at 1:44am, and while that may take us down rather truculently from Cloud 9, the day has all the makings of being quite pleasant. We are optimistic, self-confident, able to say what we think and feel without tripping over our own tongues, energized, capable, and basically in tune with what we need to be addressing.

If it all sounds too good to be true, maybe it is, but whatever is scheduled for the day should come off smoothly. Good luck!

Friday, January 13th

Venus trine Saturn at 1:05am

Mercury conjunct Pluto at 5:01am

Venus conjunct Neptune at 7:19am

Venus enters Pisces at 9:47pm

Oh no, not another Friday the 13th! Hopefully, yours will not be stressful.

There’s certainly no astrological reason for alarm, as all of the aspects today are really quite benign if not outright enjoyable. The Venus trine Saturn in the early morning hours is an excellent aspect for relationships of all kinds, as it adds stability, reliability, trustworthiness, and solidity to whatever relationship matters occur between the 12th and 14th. If you begin a relationship this weekend, it is likely to be a long-lasting one, and any commitments made are likely to be honored, whether the relationship is a few days or a few decades old.

Mercury conjunct Pluto makes us all mentally sharper and quicker, as well as more astute, perseverant and perceptive. The Venus conjunction with Neptune ads a nice veneer of idyllic fantasy to any idle thoughts, and serves a nice jumping off point for any creative, thoughtful, or artistic endeavors.

Finally, the entrance of Venus into Pisces is quite welcome. Venus adores being in Pisces as she leaves the cool Spartan climes of Aquarius for the warm soothing waters of Pisces. Venus in Pisces makes us all a bit more romantic, more sympathetic, and more receptive to others’ needs. On the other hand, it can also make us a bit more emotionally volatile, needy, and confused. Still, on balance, Venus in Pisces often smoothes out the rough edges of life and helps us find emotional balance. Venus will remain in Pisces until February 7th.

Saturday, January 14th

Venus sextiles Jupiter at 6:49pm

The Moon enters Libra at 5:28am and we enter a see-saw kind of day, if not entire weekend. As the weekend begins we’re still in the afterglow of the beneficial energies from Thursday and Friday. We feel as if we’re sailing free and clear. Except we hit some raging rapids as Saturday gets underway and we all want to run away to Tahiti. Tahiti is a bit far, and there may be some people here upset and come looking for you, and besides being the target of a posse isn’t exactly the best way to spend a Saturday.

If you do find yourself feeling as if you’d like to buy an airplane ticket and flee to find asylum on some remote island, the problem is less with your affairs than what you’re making them out to be. A little perspective can go a long way, and maybe the best thing for you to do is to think things over and put down the black paint brush. There are deep forces at work here, and chances are you are being pulled by them for a reason. While it may be a stretch to be able to grasp what those forces are, behind short-sighted about them doesn’t help. Try to take the long view and find beneficial possibilities within your situation. It may just be what you need to get you moving in a wonderful direction!

I did mention that it was a see-saw kind of day, and regardless of whether you feel like standing in line at the ticket counter or not, chances are your moods may swing from manic to depressive on short notice. Again, try to take it all in stride and not swing from too far an extreme. The best way to do so is to enjoy the most out of each moment.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!

For those of you silly enough to be up this early, courtesy of Sky & Telescope magazine

The Flow! Week of December 12 – 19, 2010

The Flow is a weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, and how best to use them.   It is intended for those with little knowledge of astrology. 

For newcomers, the idea is to consider celestial influences as part of a larger whole, or the Flow.  All too often, astrologers tend to write about astrological events as if each were an isolated specimen as if pulled out of the sky and analyzed by itself – and there is no dearth of astrological sites on the net that write that way.  Here, it is the movement and interactions that are important and form the basis of discussion.

If any of the material is unclear or unfamiliar to you, it is probably unfamiliar to others as well, please leave a comment and I will be glad to answer your questions. 

If you like what you see, please share it with friends!  If you would like to get email notifications for when The Flow! is updated, or have a private question please email me at  Thank you!

The Flow! is updated every Sunday.

Please note: all times are in the Pacific Timezone.

This week’s synopsis: On Edge

Take a look at either chart below, and you’ll see that the majority of planets are sitting on the edge of a sign.

Pluto, the North Node, Mars and Mercury are at the starting edge of Capricorn

Neptune and Chiron are at the end of Aquarius

Uranus and Jupiter are at the end of Pisces

Venus is at the beginning of Scorpio

The Sun is wending its way through the end of Sagittarius

And during the week the Moon races from the beginning of Pisces and onward through to the middle of Gemini.

Do we need any more reason to understand why everyone is so edgy?  We’re all boogying the dance of our lives as if we were doing so around pools of quicksand.

It’s exciting, and sure to be memorable.  But it isn’t a whole lot of fun.

Our politics is in chaos.  Our economy is in shambles.  Our culture is in free-fall.  And our leaders are all wearing clown suits riding unicycles of inanity in this circus.

And many of us in our personal lives are dealing with extremely deep and troublesome issues.

We are all undergoing an immense transformation, and transformations are rarely easy.

But in the meantime, what we have is general chaos and confusion, and there is plenty of planetary blame to go around.

Pluto, planet of transformation is in Capricorn, the sign of government and large institutions.  It is very close to where it was in 1763.  In February of 1763, Britain and France signed the treaty of Paris ending the French and Indian/Seven Years’ War.  And then in October, after the American colonists had fought for British hegemony and threw the French off of most of the continent, King George III says to the colonists, “uh-uh, you can’t go there, nyeah, nyeah!”  This did not do much to engender British warm and fuzzies, and was one of the first acts that would eventually lead to American Independence.

Neptune, planet of religion, spirituality, and belief is in Aquarius, the sign of technology, humanity, and popular concepts.  It is very close to where it was in 1847.  1847 may not be discussed much in history classes, but 1848 (when Neptune entered Pisces) sure is!  In 1848 the Mexican-American War ended, giving the US much of the southwest, just in time for the California Gold Rush (and the state of California!)  The Seneca Falls convention in July puts women’s rights in the forefront, and revolutions swept Italy, Hungary, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Denmark, Poland, Germany, and Brazil.     

Uranus, planet of revolutions, change, and higher cosmic orders, is in Pisces, the sign of sympathy, sacrifice, and spirit.  It is very close to where it was in 1927, 1843, and 1759, are all seminal times that preceded great cultural upheavals and changes in people’s lives in later years when Uranus exited Pisces and entered Aries.  In 1927 we had the Jazz Singer and the BBC is granted a charter; Bell Telephone transmits the first television signal; Charles Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic and Pan American airways has its inaugural flight; and Gandhi, Trotsky, and Virginia Woolf all immersed in events that would drastically shape not only their lives, but many lives throughout the world.  And throughout the ‘20’s, far right meshugas was spreading all over Europe.

So is it no wonder we’re all a little bit on edge?

But where does that leave us as a culture, a people, or a planet?

Pluto’s passage through Capricorn is unlikely to leave contemporary governmental systems unscathed.  The last time Pluto was there we saw the rise of representative constitutional democracy.  We seem to be moving in the direction of greater participation of people in politics with a bewildering array of polls and propositions. 

Neptune’s entrance into Pisces has me just a teensy bit concerned.  Neptune “rules” Pisces, which is to mean that not only does its energies synch with Pisces very easily, but it the sign in which it is the most powerful.  Neptune can be wonderful for spiritual rebirth, awakenings, and transformations.  It did perform that was the last time it was in Pisces, when it gave rise to the Spiritist movement, the Rosicrucians, Theosophy, and the Golden Dawn.  But it is also a time when people, masses of people, tend to put belief ahead of reason.  And that can be a very, very, very dangerous time, especially for those who wish to keep a good head on their shoulders!

As for Uranus, we are due for a cultural change.  With the proliferation of social media and the internet, we are in the birthing stages of an immense new ability for people to be and remain in contact with each other.  It is virtually certain that new forms of entertainment will arise from this foment of new invention, and that it will drastically alter people’s lives.  It already is, as we are in every increasing danger of losing a very precious human commodity – privacy!

Stay tuned for future details as 2011 is destined to be a very interesting year!  The December 26th issue of the Flow will be dedicated to what the year looks like for each of the signs.  You won’t want to miss it!

For now, however, to the Daily Details!

Sunday, December 12th

No major aspects

Today is about as lovely a day as we’re likely to get this holiday season, so enjoy it for all it’s worth!  Get out and enjoy the spirit!  The Moon is in Pisces all day and in good harmony with Venus, planet of love and other fine affections.  It is a wonderful day to take the edge off the more wide-spread buzz and paint it in soft hues and pastels.  Sunday is good for being among others, out shopping, going to the movies, or just kicking back at home staring out the window enjoying your favorite beverage.  It is also a good day for communicating your feelings, as whatever it is you have to say will be understood easily and in the manner in which it was intended.  Even our vociferous and obstreperous politicians will be a bit more soft-spoken on the morning shows today!

Monday, December 13th

Mercury conjunct Pluto at 8:09pm

Mercury conjunct Mars at 8:10pm

Mars conjunct Pluto at 8:13pm

My friends, we have one tight-ass configuration today with Mars edging up on Pluto and Mercury rushing past both of them all within minutes of each other, and the North Node close enough to be thrown into the mix.  Talk about two days of opposite energies!  Unlike yesterday, today is filled with sharp words, aggressive attitudes, and brusque actions.  Triple aspects like this are rare, and this one is power-packed with trouble, and that’s trouble with a capital T.  Mars and Mercury meet up with each other all the time, and Mars to Pluto aspects are not all that uncommon either.  But all three of them at once is a bit much, and that’s where the trouble might come in to play.  Be careful of what you say today, because your words may have ramifications that you neither mean nor intend.  Leave no fires burning for any reason, and try to finish whatever comes up during the day, because lingering events may wind up causing havoc in the weeks to come.  I will be very surprised if our leaders behave as they should, since the aspect occurs in Capricorn, the sign of authority, government, politics, and institutions.  Watch your step and make no quick moves, at least until Wednesday when this energy dissipates, as unanticipated movements of all kinds are likely to be misinterpreted at this time. 

Tuesday, December 14th

No major aspects

Today we mostly have the after-effects of yesterday.  To top off all of yesterday’s charged energies the Moon enters Aries casting nasty square-stares at Mercury, Mars, and Pluto.  The Aries Moon does not lend itself to sitting back and going with the crowd like yesterday’s advice recommended, so today you’ll really have to judge carefully what action you want to take considering yesterday’s events.  Chances are, you are going to want to take action that is direct, simple, and cuts to the chase.  You are not likely to be much in the mood for compromise, and if you have grievances, you feel they need to be aired.  By all means express yourself (it is going to be a hard day for restraint!) but remember that others are feeling equally combative, and that you may start something that will need to be settled via other means.  Try to think ahead, try to think strategically, and above all, try to keep your thoughts focused.  Doing these things, will help you take advantage of today’s energies and help you succeed where you may have failed in the past.

Wednesday, December 15th

No major aspects

The Moon is still in Aries and in the morning is ticks off Saturn, so we are sluggish, tired, and sick and tired of all the bull.  We are really ready to board the nearest spaceship off this crazy befuddled planet and go someplace where things make more sense.  Lotsa luck!  We’re stuck, and if you can make it through the morning, we’re rewarded with a lift of the spirits in the afternoon and evening.  The worm turns, so to speak, and we feel more energetic, capable, and optimistic than we have over the past few days.  Perhaps there’s hope for Earth after all!

Thursday, December 16th

Sun squares Jupiter at 1:47pm

We’re in a much better mood as the week draws to a close, and it’s no surprise that part of the reason is the Moon entering Taurus at 10:49am.  The earlier week’s zaniness is but a lingering Ghost of Weekday’s Past, and we’re more than ready to move on.  If any action plans were hatched earlier in the week, you may have some concrete results to show for them today.  Keep nurturing them, and they may become your yellow-brick road.  For all of us, today is not a good day for shopping, as we’re liable to spend more than is wise, or make purchases that are not in our best interests with that Sun-Jupiter square.  Ease up a bit on your expectations, as this is definitely an aspect that emphasizes wants over means.  Similarly, you may want to skip the second helping of chocolate truffles at the holiday party, as calories gained under this aspect have a tendency to make you physically resemble the planet Jupiter.

Friday, December 17th

No major aspects

The Moon remains in Taurus all day, and our attention turns to our resources.  We apt today to focus on what we don’t have rather that what we do, but they are less likely to cause an idle funk than to help you develop a plan to better your financial situation.  If you are out about holiday shopping, your eye will be drawn to the practical, sensible, and useful, as opposed to that flashy LED moose hat you saw when the Moon was in Aries. And you’re also likely to find it at a better price.  The weekend before the holiday is upon us, and that puts us in a good mood no mater what we are up to.  If there’s a party or event on your calendar this weekend, enjoy!

Saturday, December 18th

Sun sextile Neptune at 2:31am

Mercury enters Sagittarius at 6:55am

Sun squares Uranus at 10:49am

The Moon enters Gemini at 7:37pm, so if you have a party to go to in the evening, the pace will pick up as the Moon gets closer to the sign of gab, chat, and gossip.  I love Gemini and have Venus and Jupiter there myself, but it’s just that you can zap them with a taser and they barely flinch, but keeping one quiet is beyond the labor of Hercules.  That combined with Mercury entering Sagittarius (party sign!) and the Sun squaring Uranus should add extra sparkle to any beverage you prefer and the topic of conversation.  Even if you don’t have anyone on your dance card tonight, there’s entertainment galore wherever you happen to be, with whomever you happen to be there with!

The week ends with a bit of a sparkler, and ushers in a new period of astrological activity.  We’ve been in a bit of a lull as far as astrological energies go, and that has created considerable doubt, stagnation, and extra work to get things accomplished.  Things begin to turn around next week and the next couple of editions of The Flow will be devoted to explaining it all in more detail. 

Next week’s edition will be devoted to a discussion of Capricorn, Yule, and Christmas.

The December 26th edition, will be devoted to a discussion of 2011 for each of the signs.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!